
Who runs the Internet?

The Internet as a rare example of true, contemporary, functional anarchy, not owned by anyone and belonging to all, safely makes its path towards the concept of virtual reality, created by the computer scientists, who developed it as a means of information technology used to reconstruct real images and synthetic sounds used to stimulate situations for purposes of experimentation and learning. Being a tool that will not copy the reality, but the one that will create a new organizational framework of the world, creating a gateway to cyberspace, or a media which gives people the impression that they are transported from the ordinary physical world, to the world of pure imagination, we could expect to experience a condition where each participant will have an opportunity to create the next event by using the printed media, radio, theatre and cinema on the web, creating own paths of knowledge and history of researches.

The Internet being governed by a decentralized and international multi-stake-holder network of interconnected autonomous groups that are coming from the civil society, the private sector, governments, the academic and research communities, and national and international organizations. They work together from their respective roles to create shared policies and standards that maintain the Internet’s global interoperability for the public good.

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