
What is online learning?

The online learning market is still fairly new and people need  a lot of explaining to understand it. This infographic will give you a brief history of the online learning, will present you the benefits of online learning and how to structure the online classes.

Online learning has given a new angle to the learning pattern, it is more fun and easy for the individuals in the current generation. The traditional or conventional method of learning, has been replaced by modern technique, where the use of gadgets in education has increased.

The traditional form of education is a total contrast to the online education system, as there are different kinds of online tools available which makes it easier for teachers to impart education to their students.

There are various kinds of software also available for educational benefits. Some of the modern educational tools that have made learning very convenient and student friendly includes Blackboard learn++, iTunes, iNoodle, Classroom 2.0, Teacher tube, engrade and my grade book.

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