This article presents to your software that can help improve the written quality of your work. It cannot make you a better writer because that takes more than a bit of software, but it can help you follow the rules of written English a little better.
Just be aware that there is no substitute for learning the rules of written English yourself, because only in this way you will be able to take full advantage of the software and services listed below. The list is in the order of the services or software that makes your proofreading job the easiest–starting with the one that makes proofreading very easy.
1 – Proofread with
Grammarbase offers a proofreading service that is fast, efficient and trusted by a great many companies. This is a company that can improve your writing after the fact. The software is actually used at the very beginning when you make your order. You put your text into their online tool and it tells you if there are potential errors that their professionals can use.
If you pay attention to the corrections they make then you can learn from them so as to improve your writing skills for next time. They have a customer support team that can really help you get your questions answered. They match each proofreading assignment to the next available professional and will charge you slightly less if you have a longer deadline. The proofreading team is an in-house one, which means you get a dedicated professional to help you.
They are not going to send your work back to you after simply running it through a spelling and grammar checker. They work through your text with a fine tooth comb until it is perfect. Their seasoned professionals make sure it is perfect and do not make changes for the sake of it. Considering the quality of their work and their stellar online reputation, it is fair to say that they charge a reasonable price for their service.
2 – Spell Check Plus
This is a tool that can help improve your writing by showing you the error of your ways. It will often point out words that you may have written instead of the actually needed word. In other words, the tool will point out the times you misuse words, and it is very good at pointing out when you have missed commas. It can really help you improve your writing if you take its advice on board and learn from the things that it shows you.
3 – Paper Rater
This is a nice little tool, and it is a shame that they have a pricing plan because it is going to put people off (as it is actually free by all reckoning). It checks your work in real time and shows you your errors so that you may improve your writing after the writing has been done. You may see your errors and take on its suggestions so that you may learn from your mistakes and apply what you have learned to the next piece of work you do.
4 – Pro Writing Aid
This is a tool that looks like a con because of all the “We are used by X and Y” on the homepage, but it is useful when you get into it. You have to put your text into the tool on the homepage and it takes you through to a results page where it goes over your errors and you can see where it may be a good idea to change things. It can be very useful if you are looking to improve your writing in any significant way.
5 – Grammark
It is a simple tool, but it will point out things that other spelling and grammar checkers may not. It is a good backup tool to use once you have used another spelling and grammar checker. It may pick up on some of the things that other checkers may have missed, though on its own it is not perfect.
6 – After the deadline with
This is similar to Grammark in that it is not perfect on its own, but is independent enough to pick up on errors that other spelling and grammar checkers will miss. It is quite easy to use since all you have to do is put your text into space, click and it shows you your potential spelling, grammar and style errors that it color codes for your convenience.
7 – Reverso
This may be one of the most sophisticated tools you can find on the Internet. It is not that easy to use, but it shows corrections for text in numerous different languages, and it will change some of your suggestions for you. It comes up with suggestions that it is sure about, so instead of asking you if you want to change them it will just do it for you.
Amy Cowen is an experienced writer. That is how she has gained a lot of knowledge on inspiring, proofreading and editing her writing. Feel free to contact her on Facebook.