Selecting online courses or college is getting more popular in our days. The procedure of enrolling at one of these courses is simple and straight forward.
Students are requested to apply to one of the college’s degree programs, after researching the best accredited institution. Once accepted into an online program, students are asked to sign up for appropriate courses. Upon this, follows the registration process at the chosen course. When the students are accepted into the program, the real work begins.
Students begin their course studies by logging onto the Internet. Once they’re in their appropriate classroom, they’ll learn by reading assignments, asking questions, and receiving instructor feedback. Some courses offer forums and/or chat rooms where students can gather, with or without the instructor, to discuss assignments. Students are graded on homework assignments, final projects, and test scores.
While most online courses are done using the above method, some courses are done during set times with more sophisticated program using power point presentations, handsets, microphones, video and audio lectures.
Advantages of online education:
Online education and online courses are getting more and more popular in our days. The busy life schedule, ease of access and organization of own time, as well as the price paid for the actual degree gained are some of the distance learning pros when choosing manner of education.
1. Easiness:
The course outline, material and test systems are easy in online education and online courses, in comparison to the other manuals in education, which consist of information in “heavy“ books. The materials provided in the online programs are informative and presented by skilled lecturers, which lead the students to be able to gain high level of knowledge and with this increase the career prospects.
Flexibility is the most important feature and significant advantage of the online education and the online courses.
In comparison to classical institutional education, online e-lectures provide the flexibility of enabling the students learn literally anything. They can enroll themselves in any degree / level, learn any program and all these can take place from their homes or anywhere convenient, where stable Internet connection exists.
3.Time saving:
Practice shows that students have to spend 5-6 hours at lectures in colleges and universities.
Online education and online courses are created in a manner that each student creates his or her own pace of studying, allocating as many hours as needed in a certain curriculum. By saving time through the degree programs online, students have less burden on their back, plus they have time to gain experience by working in the free time.
The student decides on the number of classes he or she will take in one day, week or month. This productive use of time enhances the quality of life and increases the career prospects.
4. Inexpensive:
Online education and online courses are inexpensive in comparison to classical institutional degrees. The basic requirement for these distance learning programs are a computer and internet connection. The education material and the pre-designed test systems are online, which cuts the cost of books and notebooks.
There are colleges that require advance fee payments, but there are also many free of charge colleges, individual lectures from imminent educational institutions and individual online courses on a variety of theme/subject.
Some of the available online educational sources are:
MIT OpenCourseWare: href
Carnegie Mellon OpenLearning:
Khan Academy:
University of California, Berkeley:
Tufts OpenCourseWare:
Open University:
Stanford University: Stanford University
iTunes U:
More: What do distance learning institutions need to improve further?
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