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China is a country that is emerging as one of the strongest global economy in the last two decade and is the world’s biggest holder of foreign exchange reserves with the reserves touching $3.0447 trillion US in March 2011. Many countries around the world are interested in business with China and are actively involved in learning Chinese language to understand and enhance the business opportunities.
Napoleon Bonaparte said that “China is the sleeping giant. Let her lie and sleep for when she awakens she will tremble the world”.
Nearly two century after the visionary statement of the legend, China’s dormant economy emerged so drastically that economic power that country holds now directly affects and facilitates the pace of global market.
People around the world and countries are now moving forward to exchange business relation with the world’s fastest growing nation, a nation which is experiencing huge transition from a central-planned economy to a global-oriented market and has become a dominant player in the international economy and financial system.
For better business understanding, business opportunity and cultural exchange, learning Chinese language has been increasing high with approximately thirty million people are studying Chinese in universities, colleges or private courses.
Chinese is considered to be one of the world’s most popular languages and is a simple structured and tonal language where a single word can have different meaning depending upon the pronunciation. There are number of dialects in Chinese, that are spoken in different province, but the popularity is gaining by Mandarin language, that has been recognized as the official language of China.
To follow the economic trends, the United States is investing huge sums in establishing Chinese learning schools and passing bills to encourage the Chinese language programming in schools across the United States and cultural exchanges to improve the ties between the two countries.
Apart from learning Chinese language in home countries, people often prefer to travel to China and spend time there to get acclimatized with their tradition, culture and to gather experiences from the extremely rich Chinese culture. With huge demands of Chinese language, major cities in China are overcrowded with Mandarin learning schools. Many of them provide superb accommodation facilities, native Chinese speaking teachers and well qualified individuals to teach Chinese as foreign language.
Students can choose Chinese language with a hope of getting easy employment in areas like banking, trade, financial, diplomatic work, academics, news media, content management, tours and travel or any other segment of the society. Each of these fields is very challenging and gives one an enough exposure to Chinese society, culture and tradition.
However, if you are feeling the urgency of learning Chinese language and align yourself in the fast track of business by learning Chinese language, this is the right time to start. If you cannot afford to go to China to learn the Chinese language on the very spot-which, of course, id the best option to learn any foreign language, there are plenty of online resources such as free online Chinese learning course, audio guidelines and other scripts which can make you perfect in Chinese language and help you actively participate in various business processes.
Mandarin Garden
It will be a pity not to master the language that reflects a culture old for milleniums and that is spoken by 1.3 billion people. (China population)
One is worth more, if one knows more languages.