
Top college degrees in science today


Science degrees are always a popular choice for students in college. Having said this, I think that now is a better time than ever, to pursue an academic degree in one of many different fields offered online and on campus. New developments in the environment and in the world of business, have opened the doors to rewarding and lucrative new careers.

One of the concerns of future college students (and their parents) is finding a discipline that they not only enjoy, but that will create long term employment prospects. Not only do some of the hottest jobs on the market require science-related skills, but these are the jobs that will be necessary and relevant for years to come.

Because “science” covers such a broad area, and because some institutions of learning are more noted for particular offerings than others, what are the best science programs out there for your time and money?

Environmental science

As a fairly new discipline, the environmental science combines elements of physical and biological sciences, in order to study various environments helping making corrections within environments and public policy. Graduates in this field may do anything from practicing law, to acting as a consultant for a major corporation, working for a government to combat environmental woes, or teaching. Environmental scientists can expect salaries ranging from $61,000-$90,000 per year. However, before earning all that money, you’ll need to earn that degree. Community colleges offer environmental programs, four year studies and graduate program. Some of the United States’ best environmental science programs can be found at small liberal arts colleges.
Pomona College in Claremont, California near Los Angles has what is considered to be the nation’s best environmental science program. Known as “Environmental Analysis”, this program offers students classes in community activism, environmental education, and urban agriculture.

Allegheny College in Meadville, Pennsylvania, offers two tracks within its programs. Its Environmental Science track, focuses on the physiology and chemistry of living things, while those majoring in Environmental Studies focus on a broader spectrum, including law and philosophy. The SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (ESF) located in Syracuse, New York, offers classes with topics dealing with environmental challenges, and global needs for sustainable living.

Computer Science

Computer science has been around a lot longer than you might think, but like environmental science, it really hasn’t come into its own until the last few decades. Computer scientists deal with the development and practical applications of everything related to computers. Degree holders from this studies, have a wide range of career possibilities. NASA, the military, game designers, and the auto industry are among the few, where the employers are looking for computer scientists. Computer scientists can expect to earn between $57,000-$152,000 annually. Almost all institutions of higher learning, offer a computer science program, and the best in the United States are internationally ranked, as well. Leading on the America’s list are Carnegie-Mellon in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and Stanford University in Stanford, California. Programs offered by these schools include programming, languages, artificial intelligence and physics and mathematics.

I have mentioned just a couple of the possibilities offered when pursuing a degree and career in science. Students shouldn’t forget that many classes available online and through other methods of distance learning are great way of getting ahead. Many science degree holders of various types are applying their knowledge to business, as the makers of ASEA Science cellular regeneration products are doing.

So, with so many options for pursuing a degree in science that will lead to an exciting career, potential students do not lack for possibilities in considering this field.


Author: Brooke Chaplan

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