Since the expansive growth of technology and the internet, it seems that practically everything is happening online nowadays and this includes searching for a job. When looking for a career in today’s fast paced, lightning speed of the world wide web, you need to concentrate your search on a digital level.
Should you retake tests?
Ask yourself important questions that a potential employer will also ponder, what are the results from some important test scores that pertain to your career choice and how long ago did you take them? For example, GMAT scores are often examined by job recruiters and not just admission counsellors for educational programs. While a 640 may have seemed like an acceptable score, more stellar marks like 700 and higher could potentially push your application higher than the rest of the candidates.
Just like applying for a job online nowadays, retaking tests on the internet are faster and less expensive than traditional venues. Consider it an investment in your future. And for more seasoned applicants, you might find a way of letting a potential employer know that you recently retook a particular test in order to stay current and abreast with today’s marketplace.
Look back at postings
We all know the internet is forever and we should avoid posting risky photos and dialogue, but take the time to look back at your previous posts. According to Forbes, while 90% of executive recruiters conduct online research about candidates they’re considering, only 27% will give potential employees the opportunity to discuss the online content that is associated with their name, such as social media profiles, blog posts and photos.
Look at your posts from the perspective of a potential recruiter, employer or other person looking to hire you. Consider deleting any photos, text or other content that could be considered controversial, offensive or out of line even if that wasn’t your intention. It’s a good idea to steer clear of topics that are associated with religion, politics, sex, alcohol or any other “touchy” type of subject matter.
For more important considerations and information about searching for a job online, see the infographic, “Job Hunting In The Digital Age: Reputation, Resumes and Video Interviews” to learn the ways to put your best possible impression on the internet to potential employers.
Vera Reed is a freelance writer for Red7 on a variety of subjects from education to travel. She loves traveling to new places and having the flexibility of a freelancer allows her to wander around the world with her work.
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