Accreditation is an entire process through which government regulatory authorities access, analyze, scrutinize and approve educational institutions in many terms. From appropriate educational quality standards up to ensuring these institutes’ ethical and lawful recognition, these accreditation authorities play an essential role in the overall management of today’s educational trends. We will critically explore accreditation and its complexities in the following research once we are done with the concept of online education and how it is intercepted.
Now, let us concisely enlighten the role of modern day technology on businesses and industries.
Global industries that widely vary from mass manufacturing, fast moving consumer goods up to the services sector industry more specifically the field of education, all have come across significant changes in terms of how they have coped up with the modern day technology where no one could ever deny the invincible power of the internet and here comes online education.
Similarly, global businesses and their corporate culture also adapted to the new dynamics of technology where transforming into a fully paperless environment is something that clearly signifies the role of Information technology and modern day computing. Let us now get to know and develop an understanding of what is online education and how it actually intercepted.
Online education is one of the biggest examples that show how dramatically mankind have adapted technology and invented ways of using it in order to bring as much convenience as possible. Following today’s global population one can possibly understand the various consequences and complexity that people face in their educational path.
From time constraints up to prioritizing work above all matters, people have indefinite reasons to claim specialized, technology oriented and well-structured educational platforms that are capable of setting them apart from these sort of real-time constraints and here the platform of online universities, institutions, online certifications and accreditation bodies and the entire industry dealt within.
Online Universities and institutions offering higher academic qualifications, diplomas and specialized certifications intercepted and act just like the traditionally accepted brick and mortar educational institutes for higher education. It is just that these institutes mostly exist only on the global internet though their intelligent websites.
These universities have brought dramatic change and revolutionized the entire perception of the different ways of learning and education on a global scale. By offering a complete digital environment where students can access their teachers, class notes and even exams as per their convenience and are interactively able to access and manage all of their study material though the provided best in class digital portal.
Now, let us come back to the concept and role of accreditation in online education. It is indeed obvious that if we have several pros then on the other hand, we do have some cons as well. We all are also aware of professional diploma mills, that not just exists on the internet but also, working professionally and in a well-managed way, but all that you got from them merely counts in your overall career path as a fruitful product just because they do not comply and present valid accreditation by a well-recognized accreditation body that is responsible to scrutinize these institutes quality standards and legal compliance. This is exactly where the role of accreditation bodies becomes more essential as it is a big slum.
If we specifically talk about the United States, there are six regional accreditation regulatory authorities for colleges and universities as follows;
- Northwest Commission of Schools and Colleges
- Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools
- Western Association of Schools and Colleges
- Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
- New England Association of Schools and Colleges
- North Central Association of Colleges and Schools
Moreover, there are certain third party accreditation organizations as shown in the list below that also provides accreditation to several colleges and universities but, these third party accreditation organizations are also critically accredited by the governmental accreditation regulatory authorities.
Famous Third Party Accreditation Organizations;
- AADP – American Association of Drug less Practitioners
- AAHEA – American Association for Higher Education and Accreditation
- AAMA – American Alternative Medical Association
- International Accreditation Organization
- AHP – Association for Humanistic Psychology
The list might go on based on both types of these third party organizations in terms of being valid and forged, but all you need to do before enrolling yourself with any online college or university is to refer to the above listed official accreditation bodies and get an insight from their about where would you head upon with the online institute in your case and how much credible it is.
We can expand our area of interest and we can easily dig deeper into the debate but, considering yourself as the primary prospect of the chosen online institute, you must do a thorough online research, try accessing as many websites as you can, reach out to the accreditation experts and I’m sure you will definitely get at least a brief idea of where you are about to step in and would be really fruitful for you or not.
Followed by indefinite issues in the field of education, I will keep leading my initiative of educating people and developing their knowledge about the latest trends and issues in modern day education. I think I have provided a basic and concise insight upon the understanding accreditation and its vital role in today’s online education but I hope that I will keep myself connected with the community in terms of accreditation with greater and in-depth insights.
Betty Parker is an experienced and qualified associate counselor at the online university With years of experience in the field of online education, Betty Parker has emerged with a dedicated initiative towards educating and expanding his knowledge to individuals who seek guidance and expert opinions on online education.