When you aim to create your own website, you could not figure out which web hosting service to choose. There can be a lot of query coming up in your mind. Apart from that, you may also think about the price, whether you can get every feature that you wish for or not. Therefore, you need to have the knowledge about the best web hosting services, so that you can choose the best one.
Here are the top services of 2019 that have the best features and also perfect price. Read more to know which can suit you the best.
InMotion web hosting
This can be regarded as the best overall shared web hosting. This one has numerous features and most of them are required to create the best website. This one has WordPress hosting, business hosting, web design services etc. This one has the best tech support and with all these excellent features it has been the leading the market of 2019.
It also has a feature of shared hosting and it is also one of the oldest services as well. With a really affordable price, it is starting at $3.99 per month only.
1&1 web hosting
It is a big web hosting player with lots of unique and exciting features. It is also one of the leading players in Europe and it has made a different market there. This hosting has certain freebies as well which you can definitely enjoy. Starting from unlimited storage to free web designs software are available in this web hosting. You can also enjoy 24*7 phone or e-mail support from the same. The pricing depends on various packages. The starting price is basic which $ 0.99/month is for a year.
HostGator web hosting
If you think that you do not have a high budget for your website, then this one is the best cheap yet quality web hosting service for you. In this web hosting service, you do not have any, a limit for bandwidth or disk space. At a very reasonable price, you can get different options in this web hosting starting from cPanel- based management service to Google and Bing Ads credits. They have the best HostGator Hatching plan starting at $2.64/month per month.
GoDaddy web hosting
This one is the best for SEO services. It also has options for a free domain which can be used for trial and error. This one is also good for the cPanel-powered Linux hosting. This also has a backup association with Microsoft Office 365 business and the work is done very easily. Thus, GoDaddy is the most recommended one. The price starts at $2.49 per month. It is cheap as anything.
Blue Host web hosting
It is best because it has an automated set up for WordPress. Apart from that, it also has woo-commerce hosting which is very much needed for making commercial websites. It is a company based in Utah. Here, you can not only use the free WordPress interface but also add a new one via Mojo Marketplace Powered System. It also provides a weekly-based website builder for free. This lets you create a website up to 6 pages. This one is very much suitable for business and commercial purpose.
Tsohost web hosting
This is a versatile web hosting builder and also has a very cheap rate of building a website. It has a custom web console and also free SSL. This one is also very flexible with the perfect features that are needed for creating a corporate website. Thus, this one can be used if you want to create a unique academic writing service websites for your company.
So, with the age of digitalization and different technical up gradation, it is very much important for you to update your internet presence with these best web hosting services. So which one is best for you?
Natalie Gracia has done her graduation from the University of Sydney in Marketing. She is a professor of Oxford University and also associated with academic writing company . She is the best essay helper and gives the best academic help.