
Edexcel GCSE History: Medicine through time

Edexcel GCSE History: Medicine through time

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Price: 19.99 $

Specifically targeted for students and teachers of Edexcel GCSE History (9-1) – Medicine through time, c.1250-present.

The course content is also suitable for AQA students, although the exam practice is specifically aimed at Edexcel examination board.

For students of A-level or university history with no background in medical history, the course makes an excellent introduction.

For maximum effectiveness, I recommend completing the course as follows:

  1. Deal with one section at a time.
  2. Watch all the videos in a section, taking notes and writing key questions as you watch.
  3. Complete the multiple choice quiz at the end of the section.
  4. Revise any topics you got wrong on the quiz.
  5. Complete the resources after each lecture to consolidate learning.
  6. Complete the exam zone.

There are videos talking students through the examination paper, how to structure questions and how to attain a Level 9.