

How to prepare for exams?

School time is one of the most memorable times in everybody’s life. We all remember all the fun and activities that we did in the school time. Don’t we? But for most of the students, the most frightening thing during the school, time happens to be the exam time. This fear and pressure are mostly…


Why your company needs PMP certified professional?

With the advancement in the technology the competitive professional environment, there has been enormous increase in demand for PMP certification. This professional certification is considered as a major component by the organizations around the globe. The leaders of the modern market understand that there is no such substitute for critical judgment and skill provided. This…


Social media as an effective tool for learning

Educators these days have got some incredibly helpful and effective learning tools right at their fingertips – and they may not even realize it, even as they’re using them. Social media has totally exploded in terms of use and popularity, with more and more people using it daily. Why not make the most of these…


Living in a dorm hints and tips

Living in the dorms is one of the most exciting times in a new college student’s life. For most, it is the first time they are living away from home. However, there are some things that college brochures don’t mention about dealing with all on your own. Here are some things that college kids should…


Most effective online tools for students

We are so fortunate to live in a time where we have access to many amazing online tools. These tools are specifically created to help students perform their best. It does not have to be difficult to achieve high score anymore. It is great that students are trying to achieve competitive scores and shows commitment…


How to be a more organized landlord in a college town?

When it comes to ways people can build a financial empire, there’s often few better than investing in real estate. And for many landlords, college students make up the majority of their tenants. Whether a college is located within a large city or a rural area, there are many looking for off-campus housing year after…


Gamification – The fun side of e-learning

Education as a model in which information is presented in a simple manner and the sole purpose of assessments is to strengthen retention, and not ensuring understanding, is losing momentum in the digital world we live in. E-learning has started taking over now, from schools to the corporate sectors. The focus now lies in teaching through…