When you think of a nursing degree, where do you picture yourself working? A bustling, high-stress emergency room? A quiet, charming clinic? A comforting hospice? Those aren’t your only options. Nurses are in demand in a number of industries today, and below are only six odd jobs you can get with a nursing degree.…
How to get your bachelor’s degree faster?
After graduating from high school, most tend to enter the workforce immediately or make their way to a two or four-year college to receive their Bachelor’s degree. Some end up going to college for even longer to receive their Master’s or PhD. It really depends on the person in question and their preferences and…
10 eLearning trends to watch in 2016
Being in touch with trends is crucial for anyone responsible for managing and delivering e-learning and training within their organisation. Here are 10 key e-earning trends and foresights to watch out for in 2016. 1. Resources not courses Courses help prepare you for the future and resources support you in the moment. What is pushing…
Brilliant ways of using education career
Career development is the lifelong process of learning new skills and abilities. This process makes a person to be in charge of his focus and direction to be stable, flexible and adaptable to changes along the way. Education plays a significant role in career development. In other words, we can say that the educational…
Skills to master this summer
With summer upon us, it is time to shift those spring blues and get out there and have some fun. Summer is a time of sunshine for many of us and with sunshine comes happiness. So, while you are pondering around in your summer shorts with that iced cool soda in your hand, why…
9 Ways to include gamification in learning design infographic
Gamification is one of the hottest trends in learning and development this year, with over 30% of companies saying they are currently using it, 12% running trials and 53% hoping to make use of it in the next two years. The infographic below explains the 9 ways to include gamification in your learning design: Make…
The importance of online education
The process of educating people online is increasing rapidly. Online education using internet and communication technologies offers many opportunities to qualitatively and quantitatively increased access to education. According to a survey I recently read, 62% of the schools around the world offered online degrees to their students. The demand of students to get their education…
4 Big benefits of having a degree in technology
The world has become dependent on technology, and that dependence is increasing. This is not necessarily a bad thing though. Technology helps make life simpler and more efficient. However, with so much technology out there, there is an obvious need for skilled professionals to enter this field of study. There are tons of benefits…
Get your CV right to get the job you want
Are you among the 33% of job seekers who have applied for at least five jobs without a response or, more gallingly still, the 10% who have unsuccessfully applied for more than 50 vacancies? For people who are unemployed and actively seeking work, constant rejection from recruiters is hard to take, but the harsh truth…
How do children learn with latest technology ?
Just a few years back, schools or institutions of learning gave a completely different picture. There was a lot of manual work involved and teachers would lose their breathing by trying to give out lectures after lectures. Today, it is completely different as we see the growth in the technological world, providing extremely convenient assistance…