

6 jobs you’ll have while at college

  Going to college and getting an education can take a lot of energy and time. Not to mention, going to a good college can result in debt for upwards of $50,000 or more. For those that put themselves through college, it can be a very daunting and scary moment for their finances. However, rather…


Five helps for graduates trying to handle life after college

Every year, millions of students graduate college and head out into the real world. But not all new grads are ready for the trials that await them. Here are five helps for graduates trying to handle life after college and how to handle this new transition.   Maintain old friendships while building new ones Keeping…


Why should you look for a scholarship?

    It is a common assumption among some students that scholarships are basically designed for those who have low budget or are in horrible need of some financial support. However, this is an absolutely wrong perception.


Technology and children learning

  Just a few years back, schools or institutions of learning gave a completely different picture. There was a lot of manual work involved and teachers would lose their breathing by trying to give out lectures after lectures. Today, it is completely different as we see the growth in technological world, providing extremely convenient assistance…


Tips for writing a professional dissertation

  The dissertation is the preferred format of the essay contests and vestibular. Some techniques can facilitate the writing of this genre. Writing well is essential for anyone who wants to succeed in the writing and presentation of a dissertation. This ability can be useful in various spheres, since the writing is intrinsically linked to…


15 writing tools for college students

One of the most challenging aspects of every college student’s academic journey is writing papers. Students usually hate doing these, because it requires them to be equally adept at several different things: writing, research, critical analysis, editing, referencing, proofreading…


Why is informal learning important?

What is Informal Learning? By definition informal learning is the unofficial, or unscheduled way most people learn. It often takes the form of articles, videos, books, podcasts, online courses, conferences, etc. as opposed to formal courses. The infographic below will emphases the following points: Reliance on informal learning is growing because it promotes autonomy, efficiency,…