

How to succeed as an online college student?

[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] Everyone always talks about the way that online education is changing the way that people learn, but you—the student—need to develop a unique set of skills in order to make the courses you do take online worthwhile. The technology, the setting and amount of effort you have to put in to succeed really…


Education for you and by you: PREPR

[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] The new Open Prepr initiative is created to help students develop skills through innovation and collaboration. Crowd funding for the project begins today and the motto is: Let’s Open Education Together!!


Why using technology in education?

You are probably aware that the role of technology and its use in the current and in the future education system in linked and will be more interconnected in future. In the 21-st century, an increasing number of teachers are using different classroom technologies like smart boards, tablet computers, smartphones, projectors, digital videos, and games…


Brave new learning

[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] The technology is transforming the traditional classroom, blackboards, chalks and brick-thick textbooks are being replaced by tablet computers and classrooms with virtual learning rooms. Worldwide governments are advancing electronic learning in local schools by rolling out pilot schemes and granting funds, maximizing the benefits of e-learning. Ambient Insight, has researched the e-learning, and…


Brilliant outdoor games with kids

[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] “Build an amazing volcano in the backyard with the kids this spring or go outside to preserve a wonderful spiderweb.” There is no doubt that spring time is outdoor time! This is the right time to do simply brilliant things with your child outdoors and have fun yourself. In the direction of helping you…


Manage attention problems in 15 steps

[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] It is needless to say that the attention is needed in every segment of our lives, but when you have startegies in enhancing attention and managing attention problems your learning is more productive and you achieve better results. The listing below is by no means exhaustive, but it is rather meant as a place…


Preppy or Positive: Are private boarding schools beneficial?

  Some parents may find themselves torn between the idea of sending their children to private school, or simply putting them into the public system. Both will have their advantages, but many parents may feel that private school is going to offer their children a better education. Before you decide, it is a good idea…


20 facts about e-learning

Training landscape has changed dramatically over the past ten years as e-learning and mobile technologies have gone from early-adopter novelties to mainstream essentials. Regardless of this fact, there are plenty of traditional companies who are not buying all of the e-learning hype or can not convince their boss or HR team to experiment in the…


Online learning benefits the environment

It is a know fact that online students have the flexibility to log in and complete their coursework at any time from virtually any place. By customizing their schedules and pace to accommodate work, family, lifestyle and other considerations they save time and energy by taking courses online. The students realize that the cost savings…


Language speed

[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] In you want to know why some languages sound like they are spoken much faster than others this infographics will give you the answer. Sofya Yampolsky created this infographics based on the Universite de Lyon research, whose students wanted to explain the speed of language phenomenon! The Speed of Language infographic by sofyay.…