

Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a non-profit organization with the goal of changing education for the better, by providing a free world-class education for anyone anywhere. All of the site’s resources are available to anyone: student, teacher, home-schooler, principal, adult returning to the classroom after 30 years, or a friendly alien just trying to get a leg…


UK vs US spelling: The same, but still different

English being the language of our age has its UK and US spelling differences. You might not have noticed them, thinking that there must be a typo, but what you should be aware is that there are different spellings of a number of words, as well as difference in pronunciation and actual use and meaning…


Continuing your education at a Theological Seminary

I graduated from high school a few years ago. I meant to go straight on to college, but you know how things are. I got a job, and things came up, and it seemed like it was never the right time to go back. I’m finally taking the time to resume my studies, and I’ve…


Make your family take your studies seriously

One of the most attractive features of online learning for many people is that it is done in the comfort of their home, in their pajama, any time of day or night. But, this great advantage is at the same time one the biggest challenge online learners’ experience. How can you convince your family that,…


Make the most of your Master’s degree

If you choose to stay on at university following a first degree, it will often mean a substantial financial commitment (up to £6,000 in fees alone). There are good and bad motives for choosing this option. If you just see it as a way to delay entering the world of work, the cost in time…