

Why e-learning is your best option?

Thankfully more and more people are able to pursue a path in higher education in modern times, allowing them to develop their skills and knowledge and follow a career path that is best suited to them.  Undergoing a course at a conventional education institute has many benefits of its own, but it can often be…


Is Japanese the hardest language to learn?

Unfortunately, there’s no easy and definite answer to the question “Which is the most difficult language to learn” due to the huge amount of variables that the question raises, however for traditional, native English speakers, we do have a suggestion. First, we will discuss some of the considerations that have led to this conclusion. Country…


The first day of school: 4 helpful tips for parents

  Sending your children off to school for the first time can stir up many emotions. While there are certainly new challenges ahead, you can take several preventative measures to ensure it is a smooth transition for both of you. Making sure they are up-to-date with their shots, looking out for warning signs of lice…


Higher education options in Kensas

Whether you are from Missouri and the Kansas City area and want to go to school close to home or are looking to travel further away for school and feel like the Kansas City area is the right place for you, there are many different options when it comes to receiving a higher education. From…


Are you ready to teach modern foreign languages?

Bonjour. Ça va? Ça va, bien merci. Et toi? Ça va! It is a drill that many of us will remember from our own school days but, for many, modern foreign languages (MFL) weren’t first introduced until we reached Year 7 or beyond. From September 2014 if the sounds of children conversing in a foreign…


How reliable is the Internet as a learning resource?

Are you using the Internet for your homework, exam or research paper? At this point, it’s hard to imagine anyone really avoiding the Internet as a useful resource for their learning, whether you’re addicted to Wikipedia, or to Google searches. What comes to one’s mind is the question is the Internet reliable, though, for your…


XXI Century classroom

The classroom of the  XXI century has given a new dimension to education involving students to use various applications, Web 2.0 and other technological tools. By changing the old traditional concepts of learning to keep balance with modern technological world, the modern XXI century educational system emphasises technology and practicality, in order to prepare the…


Top tips in writing a resume

A resume needs to stand out right away while retaining that professional look to your potential employer. I will give you the two best tips, from my experience in writing an excellent resume. • Objective First and foremost is the objective. Your objective needs to be at the top, right underneath your contact information. This…


The most popular online Bachelor’s Degree Programs

Online bachelor’s degrees have rapidly gained in popularity over the past few years, thanks to a number of factors including an unpredictable economic climate and the constantly evolving nature of many fields due to advances in technology. According to a 2011 study by the Babson Survey Research Group, as of 2010 there were over 6…