

JavaScript 核心篇

 Buy Price: 4000.00 $ 本課程著重在 JavaScript 的核心運作觀念,從直譯器的運作深入探討至 JavaScript 的各種運作模式,包含 詞法作用域、提升、非同步、運算子、轉型、物件參考、原型練、建構式等觀念。 課程中除了提供動態簡報說明外,還會提供大量程式碼介紹,並另有許多精彩測驗題,不單能輕鬆地理解相關知識,還能確保學習觀念正確。


Mathematics for computer vision

 Buy Price: 49.00 $ The course is devoted to the systematization of the mathematical background of the students necessary for the successful mastering of educational disciplines in the field of computer vision. The course includes sections of mathematical analysis, probability theory, linear algebra. Aim of the course: Systematization of the mathematical background Preparation for the…