

Driving tricks new college commuters should know

  You’ve been accepted to the college of your dreams and you’ve made the decision to commute rather than live on campus. This is becoming increasingly common for many new students, so they can save money on housing and food and still afford tuition. If this is the case for you, you’ll probably be commuting…


Do you have it in you to be an independent learner?

Learning definitely doesn’t end when you finish school or your college education, because you need to keep learning throughout your life in order to have a successful career. However, in order to learn effectively and ensure your efforts pay off, you need to be able to do it without someone monitoring and assessing you constantly.…


Training your working memory while learning

The working memory is the part of human brains which is used while you work, read, learn or take in information. It is the part that enables you to work with information over a short space of time, like the RAM memory in a computer. Children with ADHD have been shown to indicating its necessity in…


Pay for a professional assignment writer

  Nowadays teachers assign complex academic tasks to students who already have to follow a strong working plan to end up the project successfully. Considering this situation, you have to be aware that there are professional writers who gain most information on a particular topic and include it efficiently in papers. It is not a…


5 Essential tips for future medical school students

It might not be as out-there as proclaiming to the world you wish to become an astronaut or as popular as a YouTube career, but doctors are still among the most inspiring individuals, still setting high standards for kids who want to follow in their footsteps. And quite arduous footsteps indeed, because the education alone…

Get in the ring Macedonia 2017

Cultus wins StartUp Europe Award 2017 Macedonia

Cultus is proud of being the winner of #SEUA17 Macedonia award in the category  Edtech. This comes as a result of the participation in the competition Get in the Ring organized in Macedonia,  which further resulted in representing Macedonia at a European level.  StartUp Europe Awards Alliance, is an initiative of the European Commission and Finnova Foundation, supported…