Computer Software~~Educational Software

Administración de Empresas

Administración de Empresas

 Buy Price: 39.00 $ Este Programa especializado está dirigido a quienes busquen profundizar en el campo de la administración de empresas, recorriendo distintas áreas de esta disciplina. A través de estos cursos te irás apropiando de diferentes saberes, entre ellos: Comprender la importancia del desarrollo estratégico en la gestión de capital humano. Desarrollar el objetivo…

Social Network Analysis

Social Network Analysis

 Buy Price: 49.00 $ This course is designed to quite literally ‘make a science’ out of something at the heart of society: social networks. Humans are natural network scientists, as we compute new network configurations all the time, almost unaware, when thinking about friends and family (which are particular forms of social networks), about colleagues…

Tecnología musical con software libre

Tecnología musical con software libre

 Buy Price: 39.00 $ Este programa tiene como objetivo abordar diferentes perspectivas de tecnología musical. De manera específica, los primeros dos cursos abordan el tema de la producción musical, utilizando la plataforma Ardour; los cursos tres, cuatro y cinco, abordan tres lenguajes distintos de programación musical (Pure Data, Supercollider y Arduino); el sexto se dedica…

Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals DP-900 Exam Prep

Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals DP-900 Exam Prep

 Buy Price: 49.00 $ This Specialization is intended for IT professionals who want to learn the fundamentals of database concepts in a cloud environment, get basic skilling in cloud data services, and build their foundational knowledge of cloud data services within Microsoft Azure. Through five courses, you will prepare to take the DP-900 exam. This…

Climate Change and Health: From Science to Action

Climate Change and Health: From Science to Action

 Buy Price: 49.00 $ Climate change is arguably the greatest public health threat we face. To address it successfully, health and environmental professionals, advocates, and others need to acquire new skills and a deeper understanding of its challenges and solutions. This specialization is for those who wish to understand the impact of climate change on…

Статистические методы анализа данных

Статистические методы анализа данных

 Buy Price: 49.00 $ В этом курсе мы поговорим про статистические методы анализа данных. Мы подробно обсудим, как статистика связана с машинным обучением и какое место она занимает среди наук о данных. Поговорим о том, что есть два великих вопроса: “Как устроен мир?” и “Что будет дальше?”. В зависимости от того, на какой вопрос мы…