[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] The average American worker spends between 6 hours, 54 minutes and 8 hours, 16 minutes at work. One study in 2012, from UK researched showed that the average person spends about 5 hours, 41 minutes sitting at his or her desk. No matter which data you trust or want to compare the fact…
New things to be learned every day
[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] Since there are a lot of things to be learned in the world, you could begin your path to increase your knowledge right now, by reading a book, learning a new phrase, taking a course, enroll to online learning or get a degree. The determination is what it counts. The amount of knowledge…
Parents’ influence in children’s education
[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] The importance of parental involvement, as an accelerating and motivating factor in their children’s education is an accepted fact. It can fall into three types: 1) behavioral, 2) intellectual and 3) personal. The effect of multi-dimensional participation of parents and the resulting progress of children in their studies is well-established fact. Active participation of…
Can you learn a language laughing?
[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] The simple answer would be, yes – but not all of it. What you will learn laughing will most probably remain longer in your memory. Humor and Learning You should know that humor is important in learning a language. It enables the student to learn new vocabulary in context, it motivates you to…
How to succeed in online learning?
[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] The idea behind online learning is quite simple – to enable more people to learn for less money. The mission of empowering students of all ages is a noble one, but however it is not always easy to fulfill it. Online learning is difficult for many and you have to really want to…
Social media spring cleaning for graduates
When applying for jobs, it is customary to go through a mental checklist. A stunning CV? Check. Snappy covering letter? Check. Up-to-date LinkedIn profile? Of course. Appropriate Facebook, profile? That’s the one that seems to be catching more and more people out. Last month, seventeen year old Paris Brown, a youth crime commissioner, came under…
How do students learn in 2013?
[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] Students of our days have changed their manner of learning. They rarely use books and choose other online variants or technology of getting information needed. How do students learn in 2013? https://visual.ly/embeder/embed.js
Brave new learning
[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] The technology is transforming the traditional classroom, blackboards, chalks and brick-thick textbooks are being replaced by tablet computers and classrooms with virtual learning rooms. Worldwide governments are advancing electronic learning in local schools by rolling out pilot schemes and granting funds, maximizing the benefits of e-learning. Ambient Insight, has researched the e-learning, and…
Brilliant outdoor games with kids
[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] “Build an amazing volcano in the backyard with the kids this spring or go outside to preserve a wonderful spiderweb.” There is no doubt that spring time is outdoor time! This is the right time to do simply brilliant things with your child outdoors and have fun yourself. In the direction of helping you…
Online learning benefits the environment
It is a know fact that online students have the flexibility to log in and complete their coursework at any time from virtually any place. By customizing their schedules and pace to accommodate work, family, lifestyle and other considerations they save time and energy by taking courses online. The students realize that the cost savings…