Educational experiences


Why not being under mind control with e-learning?

An interesting question passed around at a party or among friends this Friday: How do you determine if you’re under mind control? The fact is that you just cannot know, as everything you are doing could be a response that fits perfectly into another persons plans. If you take that as a possibility you could…


Online students’ habits

As you already know, one of the most valued aspects of online learning is that you can do it at home, in your local coffee shop, library and just about anywhere you want. Working students, parents, schoolars and active-duty military worldwide, can benefit from this particular characteristics of the online learning. Having this in mind…


Can a dream tells us the Future?

  Undoubtedly much has been written regarding dreams and their meanings or purpose. Mankind has been fascinated with our dreams since the first dreamer awoke and have been wondering about what their visions meant. Since ancient times we have looked to our dreams to find the signs of what our future holds.  The first written dreams that…


3 Tips to help you achieve academic success in college

It takes a combination of time management, organization, prioritization, concentration and skill to achieve academic success in college. Most college students say they want to do well, yet there are those who fail to complete the level of work necessary to achieve and maintain a solid GPA easily and smoothly. It is not advisable to…


3 important truths on adult education

As an instructor at a private college, in spite of the fact that I have contact with the younger generation, I frequently find myself counseling adults thinking about returning to school to further their education. Actually, it is not that much a counseling session, as it is a bit of “a pep talk”. One of…


The next 25 years of the universities

Two possible developments The development of most industries is rapidly changing with the development of the technology. In this direction is the development of the education. It grows as the technology evolves. Overall statistics say that the mayor obstacle of gaining higher education are the finances. 2011 Pew Research Center survey on the cost and…