Educational experiences


3 Reasons to invest in a tutor

A good education is priceless with many obstacles to complete it and serious assistance to achieve the desired level of knowledge. An important aid to seeing a student through a difficult period is the tutor. When you decide to choose one, consider these three scenarios to determine if he/she is needed to prevent abandonment of educational…


Corporate campus to teach leadership skills

Demand for skilled workers is rising with expanding economy. Developments in technology and information over the last few decades have given birth to stringent business strategies and a complicated market economy therefore. The problem of unemployment has reached a severe stage all over the world. Lack of proper skills is one important reason why employment…


Evolution of invention in the last 50 years

The past five decades have been an exciting time for inventors. With new tools and technology hitting the market almost daily, people are being inspired to see if they can create the next game-changing invention. In fact, since 1963 the US has seen its patent applications grow from just under 100,00 to almost 600,000 in…


New Year’s Resolutions

When new fresh year arrives, we all make resolutions on the very first day of the year. Wishes vary from the ones to quit bad habits and start doing something good, up to improve ourselves and the quality of our life. aHave a look at the inforgraphics below and tell us your comments.  


Does a business need Money Insurance?

Any start-up venture requires capital investment and top-notch financial networks for a successful take off. As businesses are prone to risks, most companies have a repository for money which can only be used in the case of a financial emergency. If you have or are planning to foray into the world of business then it…


3 Tips to make your college degree pay off

Getting a college degree typically means obtaining a career that pays well and has many additional perks. However, in the current economy there is no guarantee that a job is waiting for you after college. To make matters worse, the average college tuition is rising much more rapidly than that of inflation. Overall, getting a…


Find affordable housing at college

One of the top expenses of attending college is housing. Students typically face high costs for housing due to the limited housing units available on or near campus. Luckily, there are a few ways to try and get affordable housing.


Benefits of online drivers’ education

Many people think that driving a car is pretty easy and that spending a couple of hours behind the wheel is all it takes to become a good driver, without having to read any books or attend classes that could provide them with the necessary theoretical knowledge. But, there is more to driving than just…


6 Things every chemistry teacher could always use

Are you a first-time chemistry teacher? An experienced educator tired of running out of crucial supplies? Here’s a quick list of chemistry equipment that disappears faster than your class when you say “pop quiz.”