College can be very expensive, even with financial aid and scholarships. Everything from textbooks, transportation, food, entertainment and supplies, these all cost money. Learning responsible financial management will prove to be important during college years and beyond. College students can avoid creating a large amount of debt by looking for ways that they can save…
English grammar: Verbs
The verbs are one of the basic word categories in the English language. In the infograph below you will be able to see the general categorization and characteristics of the verbs.
All time best sellers
Below you will see a visualisation of the most popular books ever written, including number of editions, number of translations and units sold. Explore more infographics like this one on the web’s largest information design community – Visually.
How to save your parents money on college tuition?
Going to college is becoming more and more expensive every, single year. While many students can rely on their parents to help out with education costs, many students don’t want to stretch that help farther than necessary. Fortunately there are a lot of ways for students to save their parents money when it comes time…
How has the university changed?
As an employer I have constantly had cause to marvel at the poor presentation and writing skills of many of the young people applying for work. Application forms have been littered with errors and CV’s badly written. Perhaps surprisingly some of these applicants have been graduates and when I look back to my own days…
Team building benefits for employees
Nowadays many companies have come to appreciate to work collectively as a team not only for the benefits of the organization, but also to ensure productivity at individual level. Most important of all is the fact that team building is very helpful in enabling new employees to fit well into the organization, which builds confidence…
Where to find help when you are studying online?
Online studying can be lonely. For young students, who are used to living and working in large groups of their peers, it feels unnatural to study alone. For mature students, it is very difficult to navigate all that technology and find answer to all those questions. Fortunately, it feels like that only at the beginning.…
The importance of early learning at home
Providing learning support at home can help children better cope with the changing national curriculum that the UK government is planning to introduce from 2014. Whether the changes go through quickly or not, we can expect the schooling system to be in a certain state of flux for several years as teachers adapt to the…
5 ways to make studying more fun
Studying isn’t always a fun or exciting activity. Many people will agree that spending hours staring at computers and books can sometimes be boring and difficult. Sitting down to study for hours is not exactly your idea of fun. But the good news is, there are many ways to make studying less monotonous and more…
Effective ways to motivate adult students
Adult learners can be motivated if appropriate strategies are applied. Unlike young students who respond well to immediate reinforcement like candy, loud praise, stickers, or high fives, adult learners have different types of things that can help them stay focused on their task. There are different strategies that teachers can use to motivate their adult…