Educational experiences


Stop motion animation pioneer from Macedonia

Interview with Darko Taleski, Primary school teacher of art education 1. When did you begin creating interactive educational video content? Four years ago when most of the schools, where I was working as an art education teacher, were provided with computer equipment (following the Ministry of education project – Computer for each child). Following this…


Is the Internet a good resource for academic research and writing?

By Simon Rogers The Internet is a powerful resource, something that holds true for academic research and writing. There are a number of ways you can utilise the web, including journals, libraries, podcasts and short courses – to name but a few. While the benefits are many, in this article we point out some potential…


What is wrong with online learning?

When it’s time for students to head off to college, it may be as simple as heading to the next room and sitting down at the computer. With the explosion of online learning opportunities on the Internet, many students are opting for this form of distance learning. It appeals to adults who are looking for a…


How to write an outstanding essay?

Writing an essay is like creating art; how you go about it is usually a very individual thing. Still, there are many tips and tricks that the most successful minds utilise without a second thought – and so should you. It’s strange really, throughout my entire life in education; I cannot recall one single moment…


How to keep students interested?

There was a time when engagement was the sole responsibility of the student. The teacher would dutifully drone through the lesson, randomly demanding answers and participation with the flick of a wrist, and any children who weren’t paying attention would feel the business end of a ruler or get to experience the shame of a…


Benefits of video games in education

For years, the use of video games has been a hot topic in education. Whether video games improve or impede critical thinking skills of students has been the source of much contention amongst educators throughout the United States. The statistics seem to indicate that video games are actually highly useful in education, and they may…


6 Ways for college students to relieve stress

College can be a stressful time for students wherever they may be. Not only are you becoming an adult and taking on some large responsibilities, you are also exposed to all sorts of peer pressure and newly found freedom. Finding a way to handle that pressure and get rid of stress is essential. This article…


Classroom response system enhancing the learning experience for students

In technologically advanced educational scenario it is imperative to make the learning experience interactive and engaging to develop long term learning.  Learning has been evolving with the technological developments to adjust to the tech savvy generation of learners.  Classroom response system is an aspect of the interactive learning experience that is being provided for this…