Learning definitely doesn’t end when you finish school or your college education, because you need to keep learning throughout your life in order to have a successful career. However, in order to learn effectively and ensure your efforts pay off, you need to be able to do it without someone monitoring and assessing you constantly.…
Pay for a professional assignment writer
Nowadays teachers assign complex academic tasks to students who already have to follow a strong working plan to end up the project successfully. Considering this situation, you have to be aware that there are professional writers who gain most information on a particular topic and include it efficiently in papers. It is not a…
Healthy financial habits for college freshman
College is a great educational experience both in and out of the classroom. While everyone expects to learn more about the academic side of college, there are also a lot of important life skills learned during this time. For example, college freshman often learns a lot of important financial lessons that they can benefit from…

Cultus wins StartUp Europe Award 2017 Macedonia
Cultus is proud of being the winner of #SEUA17 Macedonia award in the category Edtech. This comes as a result of the participation in the competition Get in the Ring organized in Macedonia, which further resulted in representing Macedonia at a European level. StartUp Europe Awards Alliance, is an initiative of the European Commission and Finnova Foundation, supported…
5 Signs that you are not enjoying studies at all
It is quite normal for a student to feel bored or face ups and downs in studies. Most of the students seem to mismanage their course schedule when they are assigned homework which they dislike most. The academic life of students has become overwhelmingly overloaded with frustration. It seems that their disappointment has no foreseeable…
5 Ways to design classrooms and learning spaces of the future
Governments, business people, educators and parents all over the world are working hard to improve the educational system. Billions and billions of dollars are invested in improving teaching and curricula, yet, the amount of knowledge kids learn stays the same. However, experts think the problem isn’t the teachers or the curriculum, but the physical spaces—classrooms…
Benefits of e-learning on the society
E-learning, especially in the field of further education, is becoming more and more important and an imperative factor. Therefore, many students in their academic career and employee training in companies use the e-learning system because it is a very efficient way of training. On the other hand, e-learning is also becoming increasingly useful for…
Creating a drug-free environment in schools and colleges
Substance abuse has created many challenges to educational institutions, employers, parents and society on the whole. It is generally attributed to the factors like unhealthy family relationships, parental substance abuse, peer pressure, etc. These factors pose a great threat to the student community, which has got higher chances of falling prey to these risk factors.…
How much education is enough?
The most frequent question is asked how much education is enough. We claimed that everyone should already know a list of various things like writing, reading, and basic of history and also a few common things related to science. And when the technology increase and people found that computer is important and it is important…
How to get the most out of e-learning?
When starting an e-learning course, you may wonder how much commitment is needed to get the most out of your course. This blog will cover a few tips to help you to do just that. There are many perks to e-learning, particularly how easy it is for you to learn a new set of…