Educational experiences


How to develop online learning skills?

The availability of online classes and the push towards online learning means online learning skills will be a necessity. A variety of skills will need to be used to be successful with any online learning activity, as most online learning takes place in an educational environment.


Are online courses the beginning of the end for traditional universities?

The options for a college degree will vary based on the type of school that is selected. Individuals have the option to add a traditional college or university along with an online university. One aspect that is the same, is the end goal of earning a degree and getting a diploma. However, students will find…


The possibility of failure in education

As a 2012 high school graduate, I witnessed firsthand what many people in the education field refer to as the “generation of wimps.” It started when I was in elementary school, where nobody got “grades,” but rather numbers which denoted how they were doing in a class. Needless to say, I never knew if I…


UK vs US spelling: The same, but still different

English being the language of our age has its UK and US spelling differences. You might not have noticed them, thinking that there must be a typo, but what you should be aware is that there are different spellings of a number of words, as well as difference in pronunciation and actual use and meaning…


Make your family take your studies seriously

One of the most attractive features of online learning for many people is that it is done in the comfort of their home, in their pajama, any time of day or night. But, this great advantage is at the same time one the biggest challenge online learners’ experience. How can you convince your family that,…


1 word = 179 meanings

The Second Edition of the 20-volume Oxford English Dictionary contains 171,476 words in current use and 47,156 obsolete words. 9,500 derivative words included are considered subentries. More than half of these words are nouns, about a quarter adjectives, and about a seventh verbs – the rest is made up of exclamations, conjunctions, prepositions, suffixes, etc.…


How to overcome financial barriers to education?

While many people will strongly recommend a college education as a way of affording yourself a financially stable life, there is a significant cost associated with a college education. Not only do you have to pay tuition for your courses, but you will also incur costs associated with textbooks, computers, and other living expenses if…


How does going to college put more money in your pocket?

A curious thing has been taking place on the blogs and in magazines in the past year or so. There has been an ongoing debate about whether college is “worth it” anymore, due to major economic concerns including high unemployment, stagnant wages, and student loan debt. While these are all very real problems that current…


The cost of not knowing

There is no doubt that choosing the right career can be complicated and lengthy process, that has a huge impact on happiness and more that that. The below infographics can help you provide guidance if you are unsure, help you save some money on the college education in the process, by wasting time on unneeded…