Educational experiences


Why does big data analytics matter?

  Heard of Big data analytics? It’s going quite popular in tech and business world nowadays. This methodology is used to curate varied data in bulk data sets. Performing multiple operations, it unleashes the hidden patterns, market trends, correlations, client’s preferences and other curial information from the collected data. In the end, it helps the…


Choosing an online training partner

      Assuming you’ve had enough of classroom learning through your slightly younger years in school and college, you are doing the right thing by committing to online training to stay relevant – in your workplace, and in the industry. While you are in the process of cracking a complex matrix of priorities and…


Improve employee training using quizzes

      Imagine you are about to catch a flight and were given the opportunity to choose between a trained pilot, versus an untrained one, to man the aeroplane. Which one would you go for? The choice is obvious, isn’t it? Even if an untrained pilot means no up-front training costs, you know how…


E-learning trends of 2018

  2018 has just begun with revealing new e-learning trends and they seem to benefit the education sector from all aspects. Every year, lots of students opt for e-learning programs and the major reason is that it is not expensive. You find that the e-learning adaptation is increasing rapidly all over the world and the…


Is the ability to study congenital or acquired?

  Modern medical thinking posits that many of our characteristics are genetically determined. Whether we can maximise the potential of these characteristics comes down to developing experiences and knowledge. Effectively, the structure of our brains is decided by a genetics, but that doesn’t negate the importance of the information we process and how our brains…


7 Skills you need to develop to be a great business owner

    To be a truly great business owner requires certain skills. Running a business is no easy feat and as well as a vision, determination and willpower there are some skills you should have in order to succeed in the day-to-day running of your business. Here are seven skills you need to develop to…


How to stay organized as a busy college student?

  College life comes with many academic responsibilities and even more social opportunities, which is why most students find themselves constantly working on something. Plus, with all the exams you need to study for, lectures you have to attend, jobs you might have, and social opportunities that you will often pass on due to all…