The trend of using social media, especially among the young people, is growing at a fast pace. In fact, social media platforms, like Facebook, have become part and parcel of today’s students’ lives. They have become an integral part of how these students express themselves and communicate with others. But entertainment is not the only…
Microsoft vs Google online education news
With the increase of smartphones and mobile devices across all nations, Google and Microsoft are taking a keen interest as to how they can shift their business strategy to spread into the education sector. As a result, both have come up with interesting solutions. Using the power of the internet, these industry giants have made…
Apply psychological principle of information processing in e-learning
When most people think of information processing, they think of IT and computing because it is a computing term, however, in the world of psychology, it has another meaning. It is a cognitive psychology term that sees the human mind as the information processor. A person takes in information and there is an output…
Why is e-learning encouragement for students?
Why has e-learning been an awesome support for understudies far and wide? The prime explanation behind that will be that entrance to information was never open to all. Individuals with money related confinements, geological obstructions or physical obstacles who had minimal risk already in the scholarly circle now have the ways to deep rooted learning…
5 Amazing apps college students must know
The importance of academic education in the life of every college student should not be ignored by any means. Therefore, with the passage of time, more and more efforts have been made in order to make the education scenario appealing and productive for students to a great extent. This era is regarded as an era…
Interview winning CV creating
Interview winning CV creating
Best guide to online apps and websites
Studying for an exam? Or just want to brush up your presentation skills? You’ll definitely want to check out this handy guide to the very best online apps and websites out there! It’s been put together by MyTutorWeb and it’s divided into categories to help you easily pick and choose the apps that best apply…
Why should you look for a scholarship?
It is a common assumption among some students that scholarships are basically designed for those who have low budget or are in horrible need of some financial support. However, this is an absolutely wrong perception.
Tips for writing a professional dissertation
The dissertation is the preferred format of the essay contests and vestibular. Some techniques can facilitate the writing of this genre. Writing well is essential for anyone who wants to succeed in the writing and presentation of a dissertation. This ability can be useful in various spheres, since the writing is intrinsically linked to…
5 strategies to improve your e-learning course
If you’re about to design an e-learning course, you should definitely consider content chunking as a method for organizing course material and making a more efficient use of learner memory.