Learning resources


Scholarships for online studies

With the increased interest for online education, the number of web pages offering online education information is significantly increasing. This competition is not doing any harm to anyone, particularly not the students or interested parties in distance learning. Here are some of the most commonly visited placed where you can gain information about the online studies…


10 Reasons online school is better for your future

If you are thinking about taking college classes to better your future, but aren’t sure you have the time, you should probably consider enrolling to online courses. Taking online classes will ensure your success in the future, as you can study on your own time at your own pace. They also prepare you for jobs…


Improve the reading skills with audiobooks

The audio book college tape textbooks have become a particularly popular and effective alternative for students with special needs. This tend includes those students who possess a disability for reading print, due to blindness or visual impairment, a physical disability, or a learning or reading disability. Specifically, students who demonstrate specific reading problems should be…


Online classes in the cloud

With the growth of cloud-based computing, many schools are keeping to choose hosting their online and hybrid-format course content on their own servers. To me, it seems that cloud-hosting for online and hybrid courses fit in well with the current trend of “outsourcing” content from other schools via telepresence, cooperation between sister schools, and even…


The Economist on education

The Economist was founded in 1843 with a mission to lead the debate in pursuit of progress. The freedom of trade and the individual were the two major issues that the magazine campaigned for. Today, The Economist is focused on stimulating debate and convening discussion about a wide specter of ideas and issues, in the…


3 Must-read post-apocalyptic novels

  One of the most anticipated movies of the year is World War Z. An adaptation of Max Brook’s 2006 horror novel of the same name, World War Z has once again focused the spotlight on post-apocalyptic literature. Here are three must-read novels that don’t have much hope for humanity’s future.


Study and training techniques for education and business

Whether you are studying for your University examinations or training to increase your skill set to boost sales; the same study techniques apply. A lot of people jump in at the deep end when it comes to learning. They realise what they need to learn, pay for a course and get started straight away. The…


Blended learning intro

Blended learning is a formal education program, where student learns at least in part of the curriculum through online delivery of content and instruction, with some element of student control over time, place, path, and/or pace. Face-to-face classroom methods are combined with computer-mediated activities, that offers opportunity for data collection and customization of instruction and…


A guide to the different learning theories

Educational theorists, from philosophers like Socrates and Rousseau, to researchers like Howard Gardner today, have addressed the theories of learning. Many of their ideas continue to influence home schoolers, as well as traditional educators, therefore a little familiarity with some of the ideas most popular among home schoolers, will help you make sense of the…