Learning resources


7 things to help you prepare for exams

It is very unlikely that anyone prefers exams to classes, but let’s face it we need to pass the exams if you want to earn your degree!! Exams are stressful, a lot of work and all-in-all a fact of life. When people leave school after 12, 13, 14 years of school, they are often led…


Libraries of the future

Will libraries become increasingly virtual and the librarians becoming knowledge navigators? Will libraries disappear as the world goes Wi-Fi or will Google become the future library? Will place remain central, as libraries become anchor tenants in co-located in commercial and public transit-orientated developments? Is social justice what libraries are really about or are they a place for empowering,…


Education and money

Public education may seem like a pure science that is populated by people who are above the human worries of life and live only for the joy of filling young minds with truth. However like in most things in life, schools do well or poorly largely driven by money. One of the justifications for governments’…