


 Buy Price: 29.00 $ 这是一个全球化、信息化、快餐化的时代;全球化拷问着人们的文化根基,信息化拷问着人们的价值信仰,快餐化拷问着人们的经典阅读。 民族的就是世界的。为继承弘扬中华文化传统,我们特意打造这门课,希冀提供一个阅读哲学经典、传承中国文化、铸造民族精神的平台,让中国文化走向世界、走向未来。 本课分十个专题,分别介绍《周易》、孔子《论语》、老子《道德经》,《大学》与《中庸》,《庄子》,《孙子兵法》,《墨经》,《心经》,以及朱熹理学、王阳明《传习录》等著作和人物的思想。既有对儒释道经典的介绍,也有对理学、心学思想的阐释,以期以一种更广阔的视角看待中国传统哲学,让学生能够对中国传统哲学有一种全方位的认识。 课程大纲 第一章 《周易》导读 第二章 《道德经》导读 第三章 《论语》导读 第四章 《大学》《中庸》导读 第五章 《孙子兵法》导读 第六章 《墨经》导读 第七章 《心经》导读 第八章 《庄子》导读 第九章 朱熹理学相关著作导读 第十章 《传习录》导读

Population Health During A Pandemic: Contact Tracing and Beyond

Population Health During A Pandemic: Contact Tracing and Beyond

 Buy Price: 49.00 $ Throughout history, pandemics have devastated populations and changed the trajectory of mankind. The global effects of the current COVID-19 pandemic have disproportionately affected certain regions and population groups. This course provides an overview of the far-reaching impact of COVID-19 and presents contact tracing as a tool to mitigate the spread of…

Programación y presupuesto del proyecto

Programación y presupuesto del proyecto

 Buy Price: 49.00 $ En este curso, aprenderás los principios fundamentales de la gestión del tiempo y costo en las etapas de planificación. Se identificarán las actividades del proyecto a partir de la EDT, se establecerá la secuencia, recursos y duración necesarios para finalmente desarrollar el cronograma detallado del proyecto. De igual manera, aprenderás a…

App Deployment, Debugging, and Performance

App Deployment, Debugging, and Performance

 Buy Price: 50.00 $ In this course, application developers learn how to design and develop cloud-native applications that seamlessly integrate managed services from Google Cloud. Through a combination of presentations, demos, and hands-on labs, participants learn how to apply best practices for application development and use the appropriate Google Cloud storage services for object storage,…

Plant Bioinformatic Methods

Plant Bioinformatic Methods

 Buy Price: 49.00 $ The past 15 years have been exciting ones in plant biology. Hundreds of plant genomes have been sequenced, RNA-seq has enabled transcriptome-wide expression profiling, and a proliferation of “-seq”-based methods has permitted protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions to be determined cheaply and in a high-throughput manner. These data sets in turn allow…