The driving learning curve puts teenage and beginner drivers at the highest risk of being in an accident, with potentially lethal consequences. This is only logical as driving is a process based on experience and skills, and beginner drivers have neither of these.
Lack of experience is perhaps the biggest cause of accidents amongst young drivers. No experience however, is no excuse for lack of common sense. Unfortunately, teenage drivers are more likely to take unnecessary risks without perceiving such situations as potentially dangerous.
In order to stay safe on the road, and actually learn how to drive properly, young drivers should pull the handbrake on taking unnecessary risks, and understand that driving is a privilege and a high responsibility. Everyone has taken their chances by being on the road, but increasing your chances is vital.
Learn from advice
Lack of common sense and overly boosted self-confidence are a recipe for disaster when it comes to driving teenagers. Couple this with powerful cars and some testosterone and carnage is just around the corner, literally.
Young drivers are bombarded with tons of advice on how to be a better and safer driver. Every piece of advice is invaluable. Keep in mind that there are some essential tips which can make all the difference between getting there safely and not getting there at all.
First and foremost – do not speed, under any circumstances. Speeding will result in less reaction time, which is a thing that you don’t want to gamble with, especially in the beginning of your driving experience. Speed is the crucial factor in ninety five percent of crashes; even experienced drivers have felt the negatives of reckless speeding.
Don’t drive under the influence, of anything. Drugs (illegal or prescription) as well as alcohol distort reality, change your perceptions and will quickly make you a victim of your own stupidity. Staying focus and vigilant while on the road is a must and getting distracted due to alcohol drowsiness or drug dizziness will only put your life at risk.
Obey road rules
All drivers must obey the road rules, they are in place to regulate traffic and keep drivers safe from themselves and one another. With time and experience, you will have to break plenty of road rules, even when you don’t want to, but let things go their natural course and try to go by the book when learning to drive.
Stay off the phone
Mobile phones are a risky distraction, you are tempted to focus your attention off the road and you leave your live at the mercy of faith. Do not text, chat, tweet, post, or god knows what else on your mobile while driving. If you really need to use your phone, just pull off the road for a couple of minutes and when done go on your way and keep your eyes on the road.
Always have your lights on, day or night, rain or shine. The chance of not being seen by other motorists nearly doubles if you drive with no lights on. Taking preventive measures is what could help you when being an unexperienced driver.
Safety first
When driving give yourself the most chance of living through the worst. Always put on your seatbelt, this will make the whole difference if you unexpectedly get into a car accident. Relying solely on inflatable safety devices like airbags and air curtains is not enough, plus they tend to do a fair bit of body damage too.
Other essentials:
- practice defensive driving i.e. always be aware of what is happening around you, check your mirrors, try and anticipate situations before they happen, scan traffic ahead of you, always keep a safe distance from all cars around you – even if this means going a little slower.
- drive solo, as strange as it sounds, driving alone (in relatively safe conditions) is better than driving with another rambling teen in the car, plus you get more chance to analyse things happening around you which translates to more experience and safer driving.
- concentrate on your driving, you will have plenty of time to blast obscene music from the stereo, and whistle at pretty girls, learn how to drive properly first and enjoy the benefits later.
All in all, being a good driver means you will be a safe driver. Safer drivers are less likely to pose a threat to themselves or to the remaining road scene participants , they find the balance between having fun while driving and avoiding senseless risky cocky maneuvers.
Check this page for online driving courses AARP .
Written and published by David Drasnin on behalf of Douglas R. Horn – an experienced workers car accident lawyer at Horn Law in Kansas City, Missouri.