21st century


How to choose a high quality online course?

  Online education is attracting more and more attention worldwide due to its flexibility and availability. Nowadays, major institutions proudly offer a variety of courses ranging from technology to administration. Since the competition is huge, it’s very easy to get lost going through numerous offers. How do you make sure you choose a high quality…


Pros and cons of technology in classroom

//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ google_ad_client: “ca-pub-7565936004394045”, enable_page_level_ads: true });   In a short amount of time, developing technologies have changed the landscape of the education system.  Students of the 21st century have grown accustomed to technology and good teachers have figured out how to implement it into their lesson plans.  As with everything…


Top 6 amazing websites to polish up your math skills online

Sometimes, students need more than just classroom teaching to completely understand different concepts and formulas of math. Just like social life has evolved with the advancement in technology, methods of teaching and learning have also evolved. If you think that your children or students need to pay more attention to math, you can simply get…


ASAP Science

Isn’t is great that you could understand the science and all that presented in a couple of minutes illustrated videos that even primary school children can comprehend? Well, here is the reply – you can!! Check the YouTube ASAP Science channel for numerous replies on social and natural sciences topics, all understandable and with down…


XXI Century classroom

The classroom of the  XXI century has given a new dimension to education involving students to use various applications, Web 2.0 and other technological tools. By changing the old traditional concepts of learning to keep balance with modern technological world, the modern XXI century educational system emphasises technology and practicality, in order to prepare the…