Academic degree


6 Signs that it’s time to go back to school

Sometimes you don’t know the value of an education until you’ve been in the workforce for a while. There are a lot of people that are dissatisfied with their profession, but they can’t quite pinpoint the reason. It’s possible that you are feeling the itch to go back and get your next degree (or finish…


Online degree or traditional college courses?

It sounds heavenly: taking classes when you feel like it, submitting all your homework online, and staying home instead of braving the rush hour. But how do online degree programs and in-class programs stack up? Let’s take a look:


5 Cheap ways to get started with learning

Are you interested in science, but not sure how to get started learning more about the subject? Some emerging scientists are put off, worried that the costs associated with the genre might become crippling. However, there are plenty of ways to take advantage of your thirst for science without having to break the bank. Here…


Paying for online college

There was a time when online college degrees were only popular amongst working professionals, who did not have the time to take on full-time college courses. Even though most online students are still working professionals, this form of education has become very popular amongst regular students too. The Center for American Progress has released a…


3 Tips to make your college degree pay off

Getting a college degree typically means obtaining a career that pays well and has many additional perks. However, in the current economy there is no guarantee that a job is waiting for you after college. To make matters worse, the average college tuition is rising much more rapidly than that of inflation. Overall, getting a…


Educational transformations in classrooms

Technology has had a huge impact on almost every aspect of our lives and can help us in many ways. The way we communicate with loved ones, find out the latest news and current affairs and most importantly, the way we educate in the classroom. Your child might be a budding Little Harvard, Yale or…


5 Reasons why online education might be right for you

Have you been thinking about going back to school? Getting your degree can increase your earning potential while allowing you to grow in your chosen profession. For those who are thinking about returning to college, why would it make sense to pursue your degree online?


Why do you need professional certifications?

A certification can have a very good effect on your job prospects, but you probably know this already. However, it is not about pursuing just any certification. You want to choose the right program that has the maximum chances of being noticed by the recruiters. Here are listed the most in-demand certifications in 2013. If…


Women in computer science

If you think of computer science jobs, then you often think of men sitting behind computers typing all day and working on servers. The unfortunate truth is that there are woefully few women seeking computer science degrees. Many experts believe that this is due to how society views IT workers, but others believe it’s because…


Why should you pursue online education?

Many people, from professionals who have been in the workforce for years to fresh-faced graduates, are looking for ways to make themselves stand out in today’s ultra-competitive economy. So, how can people make themselves definitive in a sea of equally qualified people? Easy: You need to push further, find a skill worth honing in on…