Academic degree


Why should you pursue an online education?

Many people, from professionals who have been in the workforce for years to fresh-faced graduates, are looking for ways to make themselves stand out in today’s ultra-competitive economy. So, how can people make themselves definitive in a sea of equally qualified people?


Everything you need to know about online college accreditation

Online colleges are everywhere, and they’re becoming a more legitimate way to get educated every day. However, there are still plenty of online “schools” that are nothing more than scams to get students to hand over their money. The difference between a legitimate school and a scam school is whether or not that school has…


How to write an outstanding essay?

Writing an essay is like creating art; how you go about it is usually a very individual thing. Still, there are many tips and tricks that the most successful minds utilise without a second thought – and so should you. It’s strange really, throughout my entire life in education; I cannot recall one single moment…


How to choose the right college?

The process of choosing the right college is a stressful one. After all, the choices that you make now will affect the rest of your life. Your parents, teachers, guidance counsellors and friends will all try to give you advice and support, however, the final decision is always yours.


How does going to college put more money in your pocket?

A curious thing has been taking place on the blogs and in magazines in the past year or so. There has been an ongoing debate about whether college is “worth it” anymore, due to major economic concerns including high unemployment, stagnant wages, and student loan debt. While these are all very real problems that current…


Five important things prior joining a graduate school

A large number of students struggle to do well and often upset over their graduate college options. In nearly all cases, the reasons of their displeasure started earlier than they even applied. If such students just keep in mind few simple points prior to applying, they will never grieve over their choice.


Jobs with a communication degree

With the economy still struggling to recover many people are taking the time to either go to college for the first time or return to earn an advanced degree. While times are tough, a college degree can still take you far in life and open up all sorts of career opportunities. That being said, with…


7 skills you need to impress employers

Whether you’re still a student or a recent graduate, you’ve probably been told about a million times that getting a job isn’t just about your degree. In today’s tough job market, grads are expected to hit the ground running – so if you’ve already got a solid degree under your belt, that’s great, but you…


Top Melbourne business courses

The ever evolving business world requires up to date knowledge and skills to keep your foothold in the industry. For this, countless universities and colleges around the world revise their degree programs to help students not only learn new skills and gain additional knowledge, but also help them in deciding an ideal  career direction. There…


The most popular online Bachelor’s Degree Programs

Online bachelor’s degrees have rapidly gained in popularity over the past few years, thanks to a number of factors including an unpredictable economic climate and the constantly evolving nature of many fields due to advances in technology. According to a 2011 study by the Babson Survey Research Group, as of 2010 there were over 6…