[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? AI is an umbrella term encompassing a great variety of disciplines surrounding the mimicry or apparent mimicry of intelligence in technology, for various purposes and on various levels. AI is useful not only for games, but it is used as an extension of ourselves.
How can new generations utilize self-education?
Studying on your own has always been important. However, only with the rapid advancement of technologies of all kinds, but mostly Internet-related innovations did this process become available on many levels. From elementary and high school children to business professionals, everybody should be aware that only the things that you learn alone will make you…
Habits of online students
When you want to know why do students opt for online studies you might want to go through the replies of the survey questions below. In spite of the small number of interviewed students, the results are quite interesting and accurate on the reasons why do students prefer e-learning. Here is a glimpse on the…
5 Jobs for people that like solving puzzles
For some people, solving mysteries and puzzles on the job keeps the task fresh and fun. If you would like to do some sleuthing during your career, here are five options to keep in mind. Police Work Detectives can be responsible for solving murders and thefts, busting drug rings with many interconnected individuals or…
The big history project
Some say history is written by the winners or the rulers, then the others say that facts are facts no matter what, and that truth will eventually prevail. Regardless of the group of people you belong to, the history of our civilisation is very much explored subject and there are abundance of resources available, as…
How reliable is the Internet as a learning resource?
Are you using the Internet for your homework, exam or research paper? At this point, it’s hard to imagine anyone really avoiding the Internet as a useful resource for their learning, whether you’re addicted to Wikipedia, or to Google searches. What comes to one’s mind is the question is the Internet reliable, though, for your…