Online learning has become a popular choice for students. More people are “going to class” online, and the trend is growing. In fact, more schools are giving their students the opportunity to learn remotely from home. But, what has brought on that change? As you will see, students are using the online option for…
Which Oracle certification is right for you?
Oracle certifications equip the candidates to be in tune with the latest technologies in the field of computer hardware systems and enterprise software products. Oracle Corporation specializes in building the tools for database management, enterprise resource planning software (ERP), customer relationship management software (CRM) and supply chain management (SCM) software. The curriculum of Oracle certifications…
Is big data making the grade in education?
Big data analytics is now being widely adopted across many industries. The education sector is one of the industries that generate massive volumes of data, and therefore, it can benefit greatly from big data technology. Here is a look at the role of big data in education….
What is your degree saying to the world?
A college degree is an important part of many people’s careers. It gives them the ability to pursue jobs in the areas they are interested in and earn a better living. Matching the degree to your personality and likes and dislikes is important to future satisfaction with your job.
Big data gets a passing grade in education world
Big data has the potential to have a big impact on the education world, for students and teachers alike. With the expansion of online learning, such as distant learning, and the growing number of devices such as tablets being used in classrooms, gathering data is easier than ever. Learning how to use that data can…
6 tips for creting your resume
Hardly a quick scan of 15 to 30 seconds – that is what your resume is expected to get in the beginning when it first reaches your potential recruiter. And this short span of time is all you have to impress the viewers with your resume — that too among a pile of competitor resumes.…
5 Cheap ways to get started with learning
Are you interested in science, but not sure how to get started learning more about the subject? Some emerging scientists are put off, worried that the costs associated with the genre might become crippling. However, there are plenty of ways to take advantage of your thirst for science without having to break the bank. Here…
Mobile cloud computing has given a new dimension to data storage
Mobile cloud computing is simply a special platform that combines cloud computing and mobile devices in order to come up with a system where a cloud does the function of carrying out intensive tasks, such as storing a large amount of data. Moreover, in this system the data storage, as well as data processing…