The scholarship is a primarily financed help which might be offered by an establishment or any organisation either governmental or non-public. The aim of a scholarship is to assist those students who are deprived of financial resources to accumulate higher studies. There are different criteria of awarding scholarships including merit basis, want basis and employment…
Why is e-learning encouragement for students?
Why has e-learning been an awesome support for understudies far and wide? The prime explanation behind that will be that entrance to information was never open to all. Individuals with money related confinements, geological obstructions or physical obstacles who had minimal risk already in the scholarly circle now have the ways to deep rooted learning…
Tips to break into a good legal career
[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] So, you’ve dreamed of having a successful legal career, but turning your dreams into reality isn’t always easy! Even after finishing school, finding a good stepping stone job can be a challenge. If you’re trying to get your foot in the door don’t forget these ideas to help you find your way into…
Top schools in America – pros and cons
[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] Deciding between the top schools can be a source of frustration for many (lucky) students, come April. It can be one of the most important decisions in your life as well as one of the toughest. In this article we will break down the pros and cons of the top colleges in America.…
Education for you and by you: PREPR
[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] The new Open Prepr initiative is created to help students develop skills through innovation and collaboration. Crowd funding for the project begins today and the motto is: Let’s Open Education Together!!
4 Cognitive skills for successful learning
There is nothing that any human being knows, or can do, that he has not learned. This excludes natural body functions, such as breathing, as well as the reflexes, for example, the involuntary closing of the eye when an object approaches it. Apart from that, a human being knows nothing, or cannot do anything, that…
Income opportunities for writers – don’t quit your full time job
Some writers like to make writing their own profession while others simply enjoy writing as a hobby. If you want to make money off your writing, but you don’t want to quit your day job, you should consider partaking in some of the following.
Technology influences education
The infographic below is showing an interesting overview of the technology on education. With everyday development of new tools to make the education more interesting and accessible to everybody, we are seeing the benefits of the technological development in the highest level possible from the beginning of our existence. If education is power then this…
How much does it cost to graduate?
Below is an overview of the high education costs with comparison of 7 different countries worldwide. Do you think it is over rated to spend so much money on education when you have so much free educational resources available online free? When you graduate you will have to pay back the loan that your family…
Master’s Degree expands your options
To a student earning their degree at many universities and colleges across the nation, the best idea may seem to be unobtainable. Although it’s true that schooling is expensive, a master’s degree in your field of study can help to greatly expand your options. To learn more about how Master’s Degree expands your options, read…