

Top college degrees in science today

  Science degrees are always a popular choice for students in college. Having said this, I think that now is a better time than ever, to pursue an academic degree in one of many different fields offered online and on campus. New developments in the environment and in the world of business, have opened the…


What Is Neuromarketing?

[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] Marketing has become far more than just a strategy to sell your product. It has become a real science and as such it has its branches into psychology and neurology alike. These two sciences can be used to influence the clients and customers to choose your product over the next one. With that…


What to do when you need a grammar check?

At some point in time, every person has needed a grammar check. Whether one is a student writing a paper for school, an employee writing content for an employer, or a creative writer writing content for one’s own enjoyment, at some point, everyone needs a grammar check. Even the best, most skilled writers on the…


How to succeed as an online college student?

[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] Everyone always talks about the way that online education is changing the way that people learn, but you—the student—need to develop a unique set of skills in order to make the courses you do take online worthwhile. The technology, the setting and amount of effort you have to put in to succeed really…


4 Cognitive skills for successful learning

There is nothing that any human being knows, or can do, that he has not learned. This excludes natural body functions, such as breathing, as well as the reflexes, for example, the involuntary closing of the eye when an object approaches it. Apart from that, a human being knows nothing, or cannot do anything, that…


How do we study?

[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] Did you know that when you learn something new, the involved synapses change? Upon this, once the information is stored, the more your recall what you have learned, the more simultaneous the process becomes. The same reaction occurs when we learn something new, gain a new information, learn a new skill. As you…


Who’s teaching the babies? New revolutionary edu resources

  Establish and affirm a baby’s unique identity and purpose Maybe you already know that babies’ development begins in the mothers’ womb, but what you might know is that you can teach the babies while they are in the mothers’ womb. It might seem odd to you, but for Dr. Melodye Hilton it does not…


Study and training techniques for education and business

Whether you are studying for your University examinations or training to increase your skill set to boost sales; the same study techniques apply. A lot of people jump in at the deep end when it comes to learning. They realise what they need to learn, pay for a course and get started straight away. The…


Mind Maps for better studies

If you are a university or college student, you probably make notes when you are attending classes or reading your text books. Upon this you probably review the notes you made when you are preparing for exams, which enables you study better. You may have wondered if there a right way or a wrong way…


8 Great college tips for the lazy student

The work load that is required for a college degree in any field can be overwhelming. There simply are not enough hours in the day. Keep these tips in mind to give yourself an advantage this year and get more done with the time you do have, by avoiding being a lazy student .