

What makes quick learners effective students?

Quick learners are at the base of any growing organization since they are considered the heart and soul of that organization. It is their willingness to go an extra mile that makes them stand out. Quick learners are smart and witty in their dealings with colleagues and supervisors and know where to draw the line…


5 Careers that an outgoing person excels

It’s an extrovert’s world. People with personable, outgoing personalities can make the most of almost any career. For the ultimate success, focus on jobs that require networking, people skills and group work. Solo, desk jobs are not for you! Check out these five careers that can help any social butterfly spread his or her wings.


Academy One learning incentives program

My son’s in his first year of high school right now and it’s actually been a really tough year for him, and for all of us. In elementary school he was such a happy student. But in Grade 7 something happened. I don’t know if there were some lessons that he didn’t understand or if…