

Traveling to university: Safe travel tips for college commuters

Every day, college students commute to and from their schools. The costs of living in a dorm or close to campus can be a huge added expense for some, with the expense of commuting by car, train, bus, bike, or even walking a lot less. College takes up a lot of your time and thoughts…


Technology requirements for TESOL online courses

Technology Requirements for TESOL Online Courses


The exciting possibilities of artificial intelligence

[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? AI is an umbrella term encompassing a great variety of disciplines surrounding the mimicry or apparent mimicry of intelligence in technology, for various purposes and on various levels. AI is useful not only for games, but it is used as an extension of ourselves.


Tips to break into a good legal career

[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] So, you’ve dreamed of having a successful legal career, but turning your dreams into reality isn’t always easy! Even after finishing school, finding a good stepping stone job can be a challenge. If you’re trying to get your foot in the door don’t forget these ideas to help you find your way into…


Find a perfect home tutor for your child

[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] In today’s world parents are so much engaged with their busy schedule that they are not having time to help their kids with their studies. Not only with the studies but this situation prevails while helping them with any sort of extra curricular activities too. Even if parents want to help their kids…


3 Philosophies to enhance your college experience

[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] College, undoubtedly, will be some of the best years of your life. It’s the first time in your life where you are somewhat on your own. You have the freedom to make your own choices. You get to major and study in a subject you are passionate about. Besides all that you meet…


Education predictions

[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] With the developments in the education and the increasing number of online possibilities to gain knowledge many of us are asking the question, what will be education of future look like? According to a recent cover story in The American Interest, it will not look like the current one, because the colleges will cease to…


JEE Main: Ensuring future

  JEE Main reaching its culmination, it is time for the aspirants to wait for the result. Soon the result will be out and there will be many who would rejoice and simultaneously some will silently either turn their ways or start preparing for the next time. Those who took the exam know what result…


Which academy is the right academy?

How many students do you know who have a clear idea about what their future holds?- In my experience, very few. With this in mind, selecting a college or university is, certainly an important decision and there are many factors to take into consideration. Such a choice has to be fully thought-through. Choosing which University,…


Looking for scholarships?

If you’re ready to start applying for scholarships, but aren’t exactly sure how to get started, the following five tips will put you on the right track: Don’t limit yourself While a student hinging his entire college experience on a single scholarship usually makes for a compelling movie plot, it’s not the best route for…