It is no surprise that every sphere of life is tapping into the power of modern technologies. Technologies like AI (artificial intelligence), VR (virtual reality), ML (machine learning), and AR (augmented reality) are reliable when it comes to simplifying things. Whether it’s learning, obtaining insights from big data, accessing services, or directing business operations, these…
10 hints on how to become a professional writer by using online based software
Having access to a lot of great online tools is a benefit most writers cannot live without. If you are a novice and would like to become a professional writer, you can. There are some essential steps you will have to follow. You can find a rephrase and a plagiarism checker all in one…
Top college degrees in science today
Science degrees are always a popular choice for students in college. Having said this, I think that now is a better time than ever, to pursue an academic degree in one of many different fields offered online and on campus. New developments in the environment and in the world of business, have opened the…
How does our brains function?
If you wonder how do you remember of forget things, here are some interesting facts about human brains. With one billion connections in our brains, we really are piece of art. Let us know if you have any comments on the infograph about our brains.
Top tips to motivate students in classroom
Sometimes even the brightest student in classroom needs motivation and by adopting quick, small strategies teachers and parents can make a huge difference in motivating. By adopting these strategies, boost up the student involvement with the particular lesson and stop distractions and interference. Each of the ideas given below was developed in order to…
Why not being under mind control with e-learning?
An interesting question passed around at a party or among friends this Friday: How do you determine if you’re under mind control? The fact is that you just cannot know, as everything you are doing could be a response that fits perfectly into another persons plans. If you take that as a possibility you could…
Best times to write creatively
Every writer can have a writer’s block! Nothing new in this, of course. The infographic gives you a good overview on the pros and cons of writing in the morning and in the afternoon, giving you an overview of both options good and not so good sides. Have a look and let us know if…
Mind maps and -to do lists- for the digital era
If you went to business school even as recently as a few years ago, you probably spent a lot of time learning about mind maps, to-do lists, and the importance of taking good notes. Such ideas sound antiquated to the latest batch of graduates, but the ideas behind the action of taking notes or drawing…
Messy desk: evidence of the indomitable creativity of your soul
The workplace for many people is a second home. For those that have the option of having a desk, work space, or cubical it’s a little place that transcends a bit of yourself. A grumpy cat poster slewing some remark about “Mondays” or a family picture on the desk corner to remind you of the…