Attitudes toward online learning are generally positive, but this doesn’t mean the concept is perceived as perfect by everyone who has chosen to learn that way. As great as you may feel a course is, there’s always room for improvement. Many students share the same gripes about their online degrees. There’s a lot to…
How to design an effective online course?
Everyone loves eLearning nowadays, but it’s considerably different from traditional learning environments. Even if you’re incredibly well versed in the art of face-to-face learning, that may not mean anything for your ability to create a great online course.
6 tips for creting your resume
Hardly a quick scan of 15 to 30 seconds – that is what your resume is expected to get in the beginning when it first reaches your potential recruiter. And this short span of time is all you have to impress the viewers with your resume — that too among a pile of competitor resumes.…
New logo for Cultus by Norman Wright
With the New Year, Cultus has managed to fulfill one of its resolutions – logo redesign. We have decided to select a simple, but powerful option that reflects our goals for the future. We strive towards become more established e-learning portal and will be joining efforts towards bringing more interesting and useful edu-tech content. The logo…
How to be an effective writer?
Writing is a talent that can be refined with time and practice. However, learning the art of writing is never so easy. It is a challenging task that tests your thinking abilities and knack for expressions. You have to master it with your uncompromising commitment and dedication. Luckily, technology has blessed us with some real…
The 5 most important web design tips, EVER!
You may think it’s time to shift from building your business to expanding your business. To do that, you need to get started with online marketing. You need to have a clear idea of SEO, PPC, e-mail, social media and design. These are the major element of Online Marketing, simply because it drags the visitor…
Redesign your logo
How does a brand become old fashion whenever a business reaches its highest peak? Why do such organizations upgrade their logo risking their corporate image and brand value? In our knowledge, a brand shows the initial information of the company, in other words a logo is simply the fact of the company. Is it fine…
Tools for distributed e-learning
E-learning is becoming more and more present in an increasing number of social media. The tools that the people are currently using for distributed e-learning vary and get better with every new technology improvement. In the infographic below you will see which social media uses which tool, to introduce the e-learning. Feel free to plunge…
The Art of Binca
What is Binca? Binca is the most popularly used cross stitch used by children in schools. The most common type is 6 count Binca, which consists 6 holes per inch. Because of this, it’s possible to make use of safety needles, making it perfect for kids. Binca is also ideal for children because it’s easy…
4 tips for recent graduates wanting to go into web design
If you are a recent graduate and have been thinking about starting a career in web design there’s a few things you’ll want to keep in mind before you take the plunge into building in your skill set and investing a bunch of time. Web design is a relatively new field, meaning the past ten…