JEE Main reaching its culmination, it is time for the aspirants to wait for the result. Soon the result will be out and there will be many who would rejoice and simultaneously some will silently either turn their ways or start preparing for the next time. Those who took the exam know what result…
By Cultus
JEE Main: Ensuring future
21 July, 2015 Education programsAfrican American, All India Engineering Entrance Examination, Angel, Angel (TV series), Anunnaki, Aristotle, Arizona State University, Beauty, Berkeley High School (Berkeley, Berkeley Unified School District, California, Central Board of Secondary Education, Dimension (mathematics and physics), Divinity, East Delhi, Education, Entrance examination, India, Indian Institute of Technology Joint Entrance Examination, JEE Main 2013, Mathematics, Preet Vihar, Test preparationAdd a Comment