

Online education needs a “Dictator”

It is “politically” incorrect to suggest that you should work to pass your exams because it discriminates against lazy lay-abouts. But the facts go in the direction that the conventional education is suited for the lazy ones! If you think it is too dramatic, please read further. If you are at a “politically” incorrect school the…


How cloud technology brings further advances to e-learning?

Current advances in cloud technology have brought massive change and revolution to all areas of business, causing some to confidently state that the fourth industrial revolution is now upon us. The impact of these developments on the world of e-learning is game-changing. Prerequisites for e-learning To fully appreciate all the benefits that cloud technology brings, it is…


E-learning is the future : Cultus Online

(this interview is announced at Medium) At the start of the 21st century, the rapid expansion of the Internet, the Web drastically changed how we buy things and entertain ourselves. It has also changed the learning and the education process itself (think of the days before you could Google anything!). Electronic learning or e-learning became…


Benefits of e-learning on the society

  E-learning, especially in the field of further education, is becoming more and more important and an imperative factor. Therefore, many students in their academic career and employee training in companies use the e-learning system because it is a very efficient way of training. On the other hand, e-learning is also becoming increasingly useful for…


6 Ways that prove online education has an edge over traditional education

We are aware of the challenges that students have to face while studying at traditional colleges and universities. Firstly, they have to pay higher tuition fee to be a part of a prestigious institution. After that, they have to deal with course shortages, budget cuts and busy classrooms which drain almost all of their energy…


5 Wonderful ways of getting online education

This era is rightly known as the era of advancement and modernization, therefore, as a result, the trends and approaches of contemporary education has been changed . Considering this scenario, there are different types of education developed, all in order to fulfil and accomplish the requirements or demands of modern education. Online education is one…


Apply psychological principle of information processing in e-learning

  When most people think of information processing, they think of IT and computing because it is a computing term, however, in the world of psychology, it has another meaning. It is a cognitive psychology term that sees the human mind as the information processor. A person takes in information and there is an output…


5 things students hate about online learning degrees

  Attitudes toward online learning are generally positive, but this doesn’t mean the concept is perceived as perfect by everyone who has chosen to learn that way. As great as you may feel a course is, there’s always room for improvement. Many students share the same gripes about their online degrees. There’s a lot to…


Why is e-learning encouragement for students?

Why has e-learning been an awesome support for understudies far and wide? The prime explanation behind that will be that entrance to information was never open to all. Individuals with money related confinements, geological obstructions or physical obstacles who had minimal risk already in the scholarly circle now have the ways to deep rooted learning…