Online learning has become a popular choice for students. More people are “going to class” online, and the trend is growing. In fact, more schools are giving their students the opportunity to learn remotely from home. But, what has brought on that change? As you will see, students are using the online option for…
Digital learning plans for 2017
As we are saying goodbye to 2016, we should have in mind that 2017 is going to be more exciting and full with new e-learning developments and technology updates. The rate of online education industry growth is increasing, as it remains to be one of the world’s top booming business fields. Below is the inforgraphic…
Study online these 7 subjects and climb the career ladder
If you’d like to boost your career, nothing helps like mastering new skills or polishing the qualifications you already have. As industries evolve, required skill sets change as well. Since you’re not a student anymore and need to combine learning with your full-time job, online courses are an excellent option for expanding your knowledge and…
Top 10 influencers in e-learning in 2016
E-learning is industry developing at fast pace, with a lot of new technological developments introduced on regular basis, as well as many important key players that keep investing in it. Regardless of this fact, there has to be a person who can make the best use of what the markets and the educators are offering and…
5 most common eLearning pitfalls
Online educators are quick to sing the praises of eLearning. It’s simpler, it’s easier, it’s more cost effective, and it provides you with the optimum environment for remote education.
DreamBox: the future of learning math
It is a well proven fact that students can succeed in math, no matter where they start, where they live, or who they are. At the same time every teacher, principal, and parent wants the children in their care to realize this potential. However, every child must be challenged, encouraged, and engaged in her or…
Smarter kids with smart use of technology
So, if you have ever witnessed your child clinging towards the computer or even your phones then do not panic; they might be on the verge of completing their homework with the assistance of the various choices available on the phones.
Tech tools for 21st century students
If you’re a student who doesn’t have enough knowledge regarding the pros of tech tools for the 21st century students, then you’re at the right place, keep reading. Over the past decades technology has completely transformed the educational system . Now in the place of pencils and pens, students are using their fingers tips,…
Modern technology in education
According to the latest insights as to how exactly modern students of today prefer to use technology and how does their learning get an impact if they use technology, it was revealed that the use of modern equipment technology and tools, the learning and interactivity of students increases. They also find it much more interactive,…
Break the online learning misconceptions
Adult learners have long thought that the only way you can get an education is in a classroom with a teacher, desks, and students. However, online learning has changed the way that many adults think. Effective and successful learning can happen with a computer connection and a goal-oriented adult. It just takes a little different…