It was in the 1980’s that computers were first introduced in schools. Since then, technology has completely altered the classroom methodology of learning.
Technology requirements for TESOL online courses
Technology Requirements for TESOL Online Courses
If you want to “nail” your TOEFL exam prepare it online
[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] The TOEFL is a standardised English language test to help foreign students realising their academic goals. The test itself is a tool that reinforces one’s desire to learn something in a foreign language which can sometimes represent a big obstacle because of a language barrier. For some, learning a new language is something…
Why colleges should keep ESL courses?
[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] For years, English language courses have had an important role in colleges and universities. Today, some schools have started referring to ESL students as non-native speakers of English instead. In any case, several reasons exist as to why colleges should keep these English language courses.
10 Ways to make teaching English in Japan easier
[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] Looking for teaching jobs in Japan? Here are the top ten effective tips on how to go about looking for the jobs and the best way to cope with different challenges. 1. Let your CV speak for you Since you won’t be making a physical appearance you should make sure your CV represents…
Learning English as a second language
[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] There are instructors in schools all around the world currently teaching children and adults English as a second language. These classes are sometimes included as part of a degree program. This is because so many institutions and businesses have adopted English as the central language for communication between members. Understanding English as…
Class learning with BrainPOP
BrainPOP was founded in 1999, and ever since then it is used to create animated, curricular content that engages students, supports educators, and bolsters achievement. They have been awarded many times and have won valuable awards on online educational resources. Some of the things they can be proud of are:
Top 10 Google education programs
Google is more than a searching engine. This company has amazingly evolved along the years and now, its founders think about giving back to the people. So they have implemented all sorts of educational programs dedicated to talented students who are interested in technology. Below, there are top 10 Google education programs and some essential…
Big data gets a passing grade in education world
Big data has the potential to have a big impact on the education world, for students and teachers alike. With the expansion of online learning, such as distant learning, and the growing number of devices such as tablets being used in classrooms, gathering data is easier than ever. Learning how to use that data can…
English grammar: Verbs
The verbs are one of the basic word categories in the English language. In the infograph below you will be able to see the general categorization and characteristics of the verbs.