It was in the 1980’s that computers were first introduced in schools. Since then, technology has completely altered the classroom methodology of learning.
Technology requirements for TESOL online courses
Technology Requirements for TESOL Online Courses
Learn English online for free
[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] Learning is the key to success, whether you are a student or a professional, learning is the only way you can progress. It is correctly said that when learning stops, so does your growth. For students, learning and having a strong command over the English language is the key. In order to write…
Which language is easiest to learn?
[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] It is true that English is the lingua franca of our times, but inspite of this fact, there are still many languages that one can learn in order to enrich himself/herself, to develop skills, to improve the business developing. Have a look at the infographic below and see for yourself which language is…
How learning languages affects our brain?
Speaking a foreign language is always useful, but learning a new language can be a difficult task. There are so many weird rules, unfamiliar words and pronunciation problems that most of the time you believe that you’ll never learn anything. It is easy to feel discouraged and to give up. But, the truth is that…
If you want to “nail” your TOEFL exam prepare it online
[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] The TOEFL is a standardised English language test to help foreign students realising their academic goals. The test itself is a tool that reinforces one’s desire to learn something in a foreign language which can sometimes represent a big obstacle because of a language barrier. For some, learning a new language is something…
Improve learning English with synonyms
[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] The educational mobile app launched by Dev IT Solutions, for iPad & iPhone, will help kids learn English words and their synonyms. Dev IT Solutions, as one of the leading names in the mobile application development industry, is introducing a set of educational mobile apps to help kids learn English in pleasant ways.…
What to do when you need a grammar check?
At some point in time, every person has needed a grammar check. Whether one is a student writing a paper for school, an employee writing content for an employer, or a creative writer writing content for one’s own enjoyment, at some point, everyone needs a grammar check. Even the best, most skilled writers on the…
Language speed
[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] In you want to know why some languages sound like they are spoken much faster than others this infographics will give you the answer. Sofya Yampolsky created this infographics based on the Universite de Lyon research, whose students wanted to explain the speed of language phenomenon! The Speed of Language infographic by sofyay.…
Google Chrome: More than a browser!
Most probably many of you are using Google to browse the web pages you want to find, on the things you want to explore, learn, have fun, find data, develop business, exchange information, do all different things you want to do in “the big white open If you are one of the more curious that explores…