

4 Tech tools that boost learning

In today’s world of technology, more and more students are using tech tools for smart learning. Technological tools are facilitating students with learning methods that are not feasible with conventional ways. Now students can collaborate with their teachers and class fellows in a digital way. Both students and teachers can enhance their class performance by…


Modern technologies – Better results in learning

The 21st-century classroom is not an ordinary classroom anymore. Today classes are surrounded with digital whiteboards and innovative devices that are changing the way students learn. Teachers are also making greater use of modern technologies to teach students in-depth about their topic. Modern technologies have enabled the students to learn in an interesting way that…


Big data gets a passing grade in education world

Big data has the potential to have a big impact on the education world, for students and teachers alike. With the expansion of online learning, such as distant learning, and the growing number of devices such as tablets being used in classrooms, gathering data is easier than ever. Learning how to use that data can…


E-books offer innovative online reading

Today, uncountable students are turning toward e-books to make their reading process innovative. This is why the demand for electronic books is continually rising from the side of the students. We all know that an e-book is a book in electronic format which runs on different portable devices. It is easily downloaded from the Internet…


The future of workplace learning

In the infographic below, you will see how the increasing sales of mobile devices, the whooping growth in the mobile share of web traffic, the growing adoption of mobile devices in the workplace, led to the evolution of ‘The Mobile World’. The changing nature of work, the increasing number of mobile workers and the influx…


The new face of corporate education: e-learning

E-learning that has gained popularity since the year 1999, has seen a tremendous growth. In the past decade, the education sector has seen an immense change in the way of learning. Today, the corporates are also bringing this technology to their employees in order to impart corporate learning within the organization.


Teach with Twitter !

Teachers and students are turning to social media to help inform their learning. This movement – often referred to as DIY PD (do-it-yourself professional development) – is empowering educators to utlize technology resources, digital media and community building to shape their own learning. It isn’t exclusive to teachers — classrooms around the world who are…


Noosfeer can solve e-learning experience

If you are an average Internet user, you have probably never heard about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or link building. They are techniques used by web content creators in order to be the first results of a traditional search engine, such as Google or Bing. Given that today on the Internet, there are 3 million…


Effective tips for landing your dream career

A dream job may seem impossible for you to land, but there are people around the world who can say they are truly working their dream job. Whatever makes that career one that is a dream come true, learn how to land that new job with these effective tips. Work will never be the same…


New logo for Cultus by Norman Wright

With the New Year, Cultus has managed to fulfill one of its resolutions – logo redesign. We have decided to select a simple, but powerful option that reflects our goals for the future. We strive towards become more established e-learning portal and will be joining efforts towards bringing more interesting and useful edu-tech content. The logo…