[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] The e-learning field is turning out to be the game changer in 21st century education, beginning from Learning Analytics to the MOOC movement, from Gamification to new Design Possibilities.Check the infographics on all details:
Which language is easiest to learn?
[responsivevoice_button buttontext=”Play”] It is true that English is the lingua franca of our times, but inspite of this fact, there are still many languages that one can learn in order to enrich himself/herself, to develop skills, to improve the business developing. Have a look at the infographic below and see for yourself which language is…
How learning languages affects our brain?
Speaking a foreign language is always useful, but learning a new language can be a difficult task. There are so many weird rules, unfamiliar words and pronunciation problems that most of the time you believe that you’ll never learn anything. It is easy to feel discouraged and to give up. But, the truth is that…
The future of education technology
Emerging technologies that are likely to influence education in the upcoming decades have been presented in the infographic below. //pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
Teach with Twitter !
Teachers and students are turning to social media to help inform their learning. This movement – often referred to as DIY PD (do-it-yourself professional development) – is empowering educators to utlize technology resources, digital media and community building to shape their own learning. It isn’t exclusive to teachers — classrooms around the world who are…
Learn to think like a scientist
No one will argue with the fact that people who are involved in science for a long time, have a different mindset. Even if the scope of your activities is far from a science, the habit of scientifically thinking will bring you a great benefit because you will learn how to solve various problems (work,…
New Year’s Resolutions
When new fresh year arrives, we all make resolutions on the very first day of the year. Wishes vary from the ones to quit bad habits and start doing something good, up to improve ourselves and the quality of our life. aHave a look at the inforgraphics below and tell us your comments.
Tools for distributed e-learning
E-learning is becoming more and more present in an increasing number of social media. The tools that the people are currently using for distributed e-learning vary and get better with every new technology improvement. In the infographic below you will see which social media uses which tool, to introduce the e-learning. Feel free to plunge…
Is the handwriting important?
Most probably you did not know that your handwriting can indicate more than 5,000 personality traits? Here it is what it counts: the size of your letters, space between the words, shapes of letters and more other characteristics can all signify different characteristics. Handwriting analysis (also known as graphology) can be used for detecting lies…
English grammar: Verbs
The verbs are one of the basic word categories in the English language. In the infograph below you will be able to see the general categorization and characteristics of the verbs.